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My hand stung but I didn't care; Arizona deserved it I just looked at her for a second feeling absolutely disgusted that this once had been my best friend.
"How the hell could you try to sleep with my boyfriend? You're supposed to be my best friend Arizona?" I wanted to slap her again. I wanted her to feel as hurt as I did. How could someone that I was so close to, that was the person I confided into most do this to me.
      "Oh whatever Stella." She spoke with a hand to her cheek as venom in her words, "he's only dating you because you put out. You sad little girl."
     I felt someone come stand closer to me, assuming it was Devin but I was totally about to lose it, "Oh really Arizona I put out? Okay do you not remember all of high school were you only got guys to like you because you'd fuck them in the bathroom." I spoke clenching my fist as I spoke letting out years or pent up emotions.
"And all the times I had to have Craig buy your dumbass pregnancy tests. I had the same boyfriend for 2 years and guess what he never got laid, I at least lost my virginity to someone who cared about me. And let's not start talking about being a sad little girl Arizona."
      "Yeah but he was just my sloppy seconds Stella." She spat back at me, a smirk playing on her lips.
"Oh my god do you really wanna talk about sloppy seconds? Because you were the one who had your tongue down my boyfriends throat and my ex boyfriends throat." I finished. 
      "Oh Stella you've always been jealous of me ever since we first met so of course you're going to be jealous now. Besides all your boyfriends or even guys that like well they always come to me; they get bored of sweet little Stella." She was just being a bitch at this point and really starting to get under my skin.
     "You know what it doesn't matter Arizona, you can get your shit off that tour bus and you can go back home. I'm not going to deal with someone who just turned out to be the biggest back stabber of them all." I let go of the fist I was making as I took a deep breath trying to regain contain my composure.
There were so many things I could say, to hurt her feelings to try and make myself feel better but it wasn't worth it. I let out a huge sigh as she just stood there looking at me like as if she was stuck on stupid.
      "You need to get your stuff off the bus Arizona," Devin spoke snaking an arm around my waist, "you have 5 minutes, before I have security remove it for you and then give you trespassing chargers."
She looked at him absolutely baffled but rushed onto the bus. I hadn't realized it until she was out of my sight but I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. I had always hated getting angry, my eyes didn't seem to get that.
As I pulled away from Devin I quickly tired to wipe my eyes but he caught my hand pulling me to look at him and gently wiped the tears away from my eye and cheeks. I didn't even have words in that moment so I just stood there in front of him looking up into his eyes. into his eyes, instantly feeling better.
      "I'm still so sorry she did this." I spoke finding myself feeling much more calm just focusing on Devin.
     "Stella, babe it's  okay. But damn remind me to never piss you off, I think your hand print will be a permanent part of her face." He spoke resting a hand gently on my cheek and chuckling softly obviously trying to break the tension.
      I smiled at him sheepishly, "Well we can't go onto the bus until she leaves."
     "That's fine, we have some time before call anyways and I think the venue is still open so come here." He grabbed my hand and pulled me back inside the venue.
     At this point it was absolutely empty in the venue besides a few of the workers and a couple security guards. It was nice to be for the most part alone with Devin, he refused to let go of my hand as we just kinda walked around the venue and small talked a bit. I knew he was trying to distract me from everything and for that I was super greatful for. We stood in front of the stage just kinda looking at each other,
"You know Stells," Devin said after a quiet moment "I think I'm falling in love with you."
I just kinda looked at him and felt the smile playing on my lips, "You know Dev, I think I'm falling in love with you too."
His eyes seemed to sparkle at my statement; and I couldn't help but feel really happy. After everything things were going to be good, I looked up into Devin's eyes and placed a chaste kiss on his lips catching him off guard.
      The way we were standing it made it easy for after the kiss for me to rest my head on Devin's chest, he wrapped his arms around my body as i wrapped my arms around his waist. I felt him begin humming, something that had become a norm between us, him knowing how much it comforted me.
       "Alright kids we are locking up." The head of the venue spoke. I hugged myself closer to Devin for a moment and then pulled away from him slipping my
hand into his.

Arizona's Point of View

       I stared at Devin for a moment and then immediately rushed on to the bus grabbing everything that was mine trying to not make eye contact with anyone else who was on the bus. I could feel the tension in the room but I honestly didn't care what these people thought about me. Clearly my friendship with Stella was over and I kinda didn't really care anymore. I grabbed my 3 bags and walk out of the bus to be stopped by Nikki.
      "Hey where are you going?" She asked, looking at me concerned.
       "Leaving I'm going home." I said pushing past her and leaving the bus. I called for an uber but it said it would take almost an hour to get here. I felt a bit stressed out but that happens when you fight with someone. I decided it to go sit on the curb and wait for my uber; not minding all the dirty looks I was getting from people who had heard the little argument between Stella and I. I didn't care though because sooner rather than later I would get the last laugh. Stella always acted like she was so special, always so perfect it got on my last nerve.
      "Yo Arizona, where are you going?" Denis, that tall drink of water spoke as he walked up to me.
        "Just getting out of here. Stella and I are well fighting." I spoke flipping a strand of hair and giving a shrug towards the whole situation.
     "Well I had fun last, i'm sorry you're leaving so soon but i'll make sure your on the guest list for phoenix and we'll have some fun." He spoke giving me a wink. I couldn't help but smirk at him as he walked away knowing I'd get what I wanted in the end.

Two Weeks Later

The events of Texas I had did my very best to put behind me. It wouldn't be anything I'd forgot but I knew it was something that I didn't need to let consume my thoughts. Devin and I promised each other to have nothing but open communication to try and keep from issues forming between the two of us.
The show of the night was in full swing, I had found a spot in the crowd to be able to shoot, taking as many new and different pictures as possible. With tour being so close to be over I wanted to make sure i got some of the very best last photos. We were finally in the last three night of the tour, the show tonight in LA, one day off and then bringing it home in Phoenix. I took a couple more photos of UABB and then got out of the crowd finding my away back to the merch tables.
"Do you need anything?" I asked Nikki who was in between helping fans, with I See Stars about to play i knew Jeff wouldn't be able to check on her.
"I'm okay, thank you though sweetie." She smiled and I gave her a thumbs up as I made my way to the front of the barricade. I felt chills as I heard the distinct, "I See Stars! I See Stars! I See Stars!" chant and the voice of the man I was falling head over heels in love with began to sing.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2020 ⏰

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