1~My Personal Trainer

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New werewolf story for all of you guys!! I hope you like it & tell me what you think :)

Happy Birthday to my brother Will, who I love tons!!! This is dedicated to you. :D

Tristen P.O.V.

“Okky, its final that you can stay but you’re not officially a part of this pack again. You’re with us, meaning you protect us and we’ll protect you, got it?” I looked over at the guy with brown hair that had authority radiating off of him in crashing waves but less then his Alpha who was sitting behind the desk.

If it wasn’t for this man I would probably be sent right back to where I came from. 

Looking back at the Alpha, I nodded and mumbled  “Yes Alpha.” 

“Just because your family is here doesn’t mean you’re one of us. You have to earn this packs trust first, got it?”

“Yes Alpha.”

 He smiled first at me then at the brown haired guy that was clearly his Beta. “You’re dismissed,” he announced before pointing to the door. Such a nice guy right? Not! I can’t stand him. If it were up to me I wouldn’t even be here. They’re lucky to have me here if anything.

I left the room with the brown haired guy following behind me. He had dark blue eyes and caramel colored skin that was a few shades lighter than mine. Walking down the hall and into the living room the man kept on following me. Can you say stalker much

 I was just going to ignore him until he finally said something as soon as I got to my car. “If it weren’t for me, right now you would be three states over.” 

I looked at him for the first time and smiled “Are you asking me to thank you?” What a baby.

“No I don’t need a thanks, what I need is you.” I looked at him funny. What the hell would he possibly need me for?

“For What?”

“I need you to help my daughter,” I  starred at him expecting to hear more but he didn’t say anything other than that. If I’m going to help his daughter I need more information than that. 

“What could I help her with?”


Again this guy needs to give me more details than that. “Training for what a ‘Spelling B’ or a---------”

“Don’t worry about that part just yet” he said pulling out a folded piece of paper from his pocket. I guess he must have thought this through already. “Just be at that address tomorrow morning at eight. Bring some sweatpants.” he informed me and with that said, he turned around and simply continued on going back into the pack house. 

I shoved the piece of paper in my pocket without even looking at the address. I know that I’ve been away from this place for a while but I didn’t even know who his daughter is, shoot I didn’t even know his name, then again I was never good with remembering names. What I do know though is that he has a mate and he has kids but I probably only saw them a couple of times before I left.    

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