27~Predators Bite

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Dedicated to Xxlive2diexX because your comment stick out the most :D Enjoy!

27~ Predators Bite



Paytons P.O.V. 

"Tomorrow your modeling Victoria Secerts new sleepwear is going to be epic. I say if you really want to tease Tristen then bring him along." That's such a Jen thing to say. Yes Jen is in on my little plan or should I say our little plan. No she doesn't know all about the wolf part but she gets the gist of it with out really knowing the truth.

What she thinks is that Tristen is trying to sleep with me which she was one hundred percent against. She went on and on about waiting to find the right guy and doing it out of love and not out of lust but I knew that wasn't the real reason which she later on confessed. Her exact words after our heart to heart girl moment were 'he is definitely and I mean definitely, not! I repeat not getting my best client pregnant.'

Oh how much I must love Jen but I honestly think she's too evil for her own good...and my own good which comes to the simple fact to by I think she bipolar too. 

Right now I really find myself questioning her actions and now I think she's setting me up. That persuasive bitch. I convinced myself to tease Tristen but then she makes it seem like a pure gold idea and then she bring me home at this time of night......after I told Tristen I would be home almost five hours ago. 

Yes it's my fault too for getting carried away tonight but I was having fun and Jen made me have all that fun and that's why I think she's evil. Now I'm nervous for two reasons.

I told Tristen what type of photo shoot it was and what I would be doing. You could tell he didn’t like the idea of it but after my many attempts of telling him I’ll be find on my owe and that Jen was going to be with me throughout the whole thing he was somewhat ok with it. I promised him I would be home by ten which was the same time both him and Noah were suppose to go out and drink, so he could see that I was ok before he left.

And that’s what leaves me nervous right now. It’s now one twenty in the morning, my phone is dead and Jen is driving me back to the cabin after we went to a very crowded party in Canarsie, a nicer part of Brooklyn.

At this moment I regret going to the photo shoot, I regret saying yes to the party, I regret drinking, I regret losing track of time and I regret having fun all for the simply fact that Tristen is going to be pissed and not only is he going to be pissed but so is his wolf. Oh and did I say I regret teasing him every chance that I had also?

“Payton he won’t be mad” Jen laughed out.

“You don’t know him at all Jen so you shouldn’t be talking.” Sure I sounded harsh but it was her fault why I’m going home to a very angry mate at god knows what he will do to me. I swear this is all apart of her evil unknown plan.

“Someone’s a little feisty” she laughed again, clearly the alcohol she has been drink for the past three hours is getting to her head.

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