9~Prove Yourself

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It's been almost a week so I had to upload and I made it long! :)

This is dedicated to pockydrama because she was the 1st to comment on chapter 8 and I love her profile pick  :D It's so cute!

Thanks to all my many new fans and reader for commenting, reading, voting and adding 'My Personal Trainer to your libraries'!!! iT means a lot to me know that so many of you guys and gals like this story :D

Happy Read!!

And now chapter nine!

~ Prove Yourself

Payton P.O.V.

Brianna sure does know how to whimper down on her knees and beg. 

Honestly, I don't think she can sink any lower at this point but the up part about it is maybe I won't have to call Tristen after all. Maybe that's a bad thing, even though I spend the last hours with him I still miss his presence that was all was near. Just knowing the fact that he was near made me feel warm and protected. 

Listen to me, I sound like a love stricken puppy. I mentally smiled at myself, I'll be his love sturcked puppy any day.

Right now we are all at Brianna’s house sitting up in her room and boy can you say girly girl? 

She had light purple carpet that felt good under your toes, soft pink walls, colorful bean bags off in a corner, white bed set, walk in closet and to top it off, her name was spelled out in huge blue letters right above the head board of her bed. You could never mistake this room as a boy’s room and if you did then something was seriously wrong with you. 

But I got to give it to the girl. Not only does she have taste but she also got guts inviting all three of us here. 

" That girl got some nerve," Erin said looking at the pictures hang up on the far side of Brianna room. I got up off her bed as well to see the picture and surprisingly it's only of her and people in the pack. No boyfriends at all, not that she had many. At time I just like calling her a slut because she always somehow brings out the worst in me.

Trisha just sat on one of the bean bags and flipped through the channel. " I still don't like her but I got to admit, her mom can cook." It was true, her mom can cook and she happens to be extremely nice. Brianna’s mom is short with sun kissed blonde hair and brown freckles scattered all over her face. Her freckles didn't make her unattractive but it made her look good. Just an hour ago she made us about three dozen cookies and they taste delouse. 

Too bad all four of us finish all three dozen of them under forty five minutes.

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