Chapter 2.

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"Shit." I mutter under my breathe as soon as I hear the bell of the first period go off. I quickly stuff the poetry note in my hoodie's pocket and grab my bag, running towards my class. The hallway is almost empty since every student is in his/her class already. My hoodie falls from my head and the bun I had tied quickly unties, causing me to groan as all of my hair whip on my face as I continue to run towards my class until I notice someone from behind catch my pace, as we both quickly stop in the front of our class, without looking at each other.

"You both are late," my maths teacher, Mr. Friar speaks up, glaring at me and the person beside me through his spectacles.

"I never come on time." I hear a thick voice from beside me say. We are extremely close, but I still haven't seen this person's face. I slightly tilt my head to look at the person speaking when my eyes land on a hazel eyed guy, wearing a black leather jacket with a white tank top underneath it, his hair covered with a black beanie, until I notice him stepping inside the class, his hand moving up to adjust his beanie and my eyes catch the tattoo on the back of his hand, causing me to squint my eyes and focuss on it, completely forgetting that I'm still standing on the door way, with almost every student in the class noticing me, checking out the guy's tattoo.

"This is a school, not your home." Mr. Friar scolds him, as I quietly let my eyes linger on the back of that guy's hand, until they travel over his face to see the bored expression on his face. "And you Miss. Stephen, why are you late?" My teacher asks me, releasing me from my thoughts as I clear my throat and look at him without any clue of what he said.

"Sorry Mr. Friar, can you come again?" I ask him, feeling my cheeks burn in embarrassment as I nervously shift on my legs, biting my lips as Mr. Friar gives me a glare before motioning me to step inside the class.

"Submit your maths assignment, both of you." He says, looking at that tatooed guy and me, causing sweat to appear on my palms as nervousness takes over me.

"I didn't do it," the tatooed guy speaks up, looking bored, catching my attention as I exchange looks between my teacher and him.

"And what reason do you have for that?" Mr. Friar asks him as he shrugs his shoulders, clutching tightly on to the strap of his bag which is hanging on his shoulder.

"I wasn't in the mood to do it." He says casually, making my eyes wide when I hear some appreciating cheers from behind, surely Tyler's friends.

"What's with the attitude, Mr.." our teacher looks up at him, for his name.

"Zayn Malik." He says, taking off his beanie, and adjusting his hair, again placing it back on his head as I quietly stare at him.

Zayn Malik, the new "bad boy" of our school. Now I know what's with his attitude.

"Where is your assignment?" Mr. Friar turns his attention towards me as I begin to panic, trying to think of an answer.

"I did it," I tell him and he nods, sticking out his hand in front of me to take my assignment.

"But I don't have it anymore." I tell him, looking down and biting my lip when I hear him groan and a fit of laughter comes from Amber and Tyler sitting on the seats behind.

"Detention after class to you Mr. Malik." Mr. Friar orders to Zayn, causing his eyebrows to knitt in confusion.

"Get settled on the seats now," he says and I raise my eye brow. Is he not going to give me any punishment? Was it only for Zayn?

"Why the hell is she not getting any punishment? Give her detention too." Zayn complains, when his eyes land on me for the first time, and I clench my jaw in irritation.

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