Chapter 19.

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Zayn's birthday update :)


I feel my nose getting itchy, having the urge to sneeze, I quickly turn my head hideways, being careful not to sneeze on my artwork. Picking up my brush again, I give one last stroke on the canvas in front of me, stepping back from the painting to have a final look over it. I push back some loose strand of my hair behind my ear, feeling something wet on my cheek. I look down on my hands and find them covered with different colours paints. I hope it's worth it. Lifting up my gaze I land it on my art work. A proud grin slowly finds it's way on my lips when I stare at the picture of my mother laughing, I have been painting for the past two days. It has always been one of my favourite pictures of her, it was her dream for me to be an artist just like her, she was the one who encouraged me to persue my dreams; so it was all for her. I made this for her. I feel a stray tear of joy roll down my cheek as I smile looking at her beauty I portrayed in the picture. Her head turned sideways and slightly tilted up, her shoulder length wavy brown hair resting on her shoulders, a tear in her eye, I remember due to her laughing because of something my father told her. I am proud of myself for making this.

"It's for you, Mum. I wish you were here to see this." I speak, blowing a kiss above. 

I hear my phone make a notification sound, causing me to put my painting brushes to the side and walk over to the bed as I unlock my phone to receive a text from Zayn.

Zayn: Is it done yet?

Although my hands are pretty much dirty because of paints, I don't care about it since the paint has dried so I quickly type back a reply to Zayn.

Me: Yeah :) Do you want to see it now or tomorrow?

Not even a minute passes after sending the text that I get a reply from him, making me smile.

Zayn: Now!!

I walk over to the painting which is attached to the stand, and I open the camera of my phone, clicking a full picture of it as I quickly send it to Zayn. He is the first person to see this. I'm not sure if he will like it or not. I anxiously bite my lips, waiting for his reply for two minutes, with the phone in my hand but get none from him which starts making me more anxious.

What if it's not as pretty as I thought it was?

Five minutes pass but I still get no reply from him, and I continue pacing around my room, anxiously. I walk over to the window of my room and open it, letting the cool London breeze hit me all over my body. I place both of my hands which are now cleaned up, on the railing of the window as I stare up at the sun slowly setting. Leaving it's orange and slight pink shades in the sky, making it look breathtaking.

My attention quickly draws towards my bedroom door opening as I turn around to come in face to face with Tyler, holding a cup of coffee in his hand as he steps inside my room. His eyes land on the painting resting on the stand, in the middle of my room, with my paint brushes and paints still scattered all over the place. His eyebrows knitt together as he closely stares at the painting.

"So you drew aunt Lorna?" He asks me and I slowly nod my head, watching his expressions as he walks extremely close to my painting.

"Is" I ask for his opinion. I don't even know why I'm asking him but I'm just nervous since Zayn completely disappeared when I sent him the picture. I needed somebody's honest opinion before I submit it for the contest tomorrow. I know Tyler won't obviously sugar coat, but I'm not sure if he'll even be honest or not.

Our Modern Fairytale (ZM) [COMPLETED]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora