Chapter 23.

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There's nobody like you, nobody like you,
I've tried goodbye a hundred times, not one of them true,
Nobody like you, nobody like you
I'm screaming "I don't want you" but you know that I do,
Nobody like you.

I walk slowly in the hallways of my school with my head lowered and covered with my hoodie so no one can see my swollen and red eyes. Since he left me in the ground, all I have done is shed tears. Why does he think like that about himself? I know there is nobody like him, no one who will make me feel like he did. No one.

But here I am, all alone again. Lost the only person who I had in my life. I open my locker, my eyes landing on a notebook in front of me, which I have never seen. No one knows my locker code except Tyler, Amber and Zayn. Who could this notebook belong to?

I take it out and open the first page with a poem scribbled on it.

Nobody sees what I see, the beautiful being inside of you,
The heart that beats like a pop song,
The soul that wanders with the passion.
Yet even with these wonders..
You have flaws.
But it's okay, because only I see them and I don't mind them because they're what makes you human,
And if you look through the mirror, you won't see them,
But the tired eyes are what you will see,
Tear stains on your cheeks, the messy hair that actually isn't a strand out of place,
The ugly face that you don't have,
The underlining insecurities under your skin entwined in your bones.
Nobody, nobody sees them but me.
And I'm hoping when you look in that mirror,
You'll see me.
I'll be right behind you breathing in sync, ready to massage your insecurities away and kiss it all better.
So just look in the mirror, Maire, look real hard, because I'll be standing right there until death do us apart.

-Your secret admirer.

Every page I turned, it was full of poems written for me. Each and every poem making my heart flutter with every word. Everything written in them was nothing but true. That person seems to know me more than I know myself. With each poem, I find myself getting more and more impatient to know who this person is. The way these are written, it looks like that person has nothing to do but admire me even when I'm not noticed by anyone of the students in my school. I keep shuffling through the pages, leaning my back against my locker when I flip through the last page with the last poem written on it.

How do I say this?
That I love you, so I have to let you go.
I'm dangerous and wild like a flame,
Mean and angry like a Gringe,
While you're sweet like candy and extremely nice.
We're polar oppossites and like magnets, we attract.
But now, it's time for us to detach from one another,
Time for me to let you be, to set you free.
Your life is already hard enough,
Trust me, I know, I've seen it firsthand,
That me being with you will just make things worse under your aunt's hand.
I want to keep your pure soul, just that pure, not poison it with my own wicked one,
The flames encompassing my heart lashing out at your own.
You are safer without me, so it is time for me to go.
But remember, please remember, the words on every note,
The songs of my heart, the blood rushing through my veins,
The flesh covering my bones, because I sure will remember you.
I'll remember your laugh, and the taste of your lips, remember your hugs and the curves of your hips,
But most of all I'll remember your smile that could brighten my entire day,
Even when you had absolutely no words to say.
I'll be close, yet far, far, yet close.
This is a goodbye,
An adieu, a farewell.
Goodbye Maire.

-From your secret admirer, Zayn.

To say I am surprised, would be an understatement. I am beyond shocked. I don't even know when my eyes started tearing up and the tears started to fall on the page, almost smudging the ink on it. With a gasp releasing from my mouth, I quickly close the notebook before the ink smudges and lean my forehead against the locker, taking a moment to realize what did I just read.

Never would I have ever imagined that these poems could be from Zayn. My heart beats in a rapid speed, making me place my hand on my chest as I take deep breathes and tilt my head sideways to take a deep breathe when my eyes land on familiar silhoutte. Our eyes meet and that is when I notice the redness and bags under his beautiful eyes as if he has been crying the all time. His eyes are a darker shade of brown making them look almost black, not his usual hazel colour. His messy jet black hair is pointing in every direction, before he lifts up his hoodie and covers his head with it, quickly turning his back on me as he starts walking away from me.

I quickly place my bag inside my locker before locking it, I follow Zayn with the notebook in my hand. I wipe away my tears with my sleeves, as I keep walking as fast as I can. As soon as we reach the parking lot of our school, I call out his name to stop him which indeed stops him in his tracks. I impatiently wait for him to turn around, wanting my heart beat to be normal because I feel as if it would pop out any minute. He doesn't turn around so I again call out his name as he slowly turns around, with his head lowered.

"Please look at me," I mutter, biting my trembling lips as I tighten my grip around the notebook awaiting for his response. He slowly raises his head when our eyes again lock for the second time today. I feel my heart breaking into thousand pieces when I watch the tear stream down his cheek. He looks so broken, so weak, that I just want to run in his arms and hold him forever.

I slowly step forward with our locked gazes until we both stand in front of each other. The wind whips my hair violently on my face when his hand raises up and I feel his touch on my cheeks as he pulls away the hair strands away from my face, before he cups my face with both of his hands, stepping forward until his soft lips touch my forehead. His lips linger against my skin for a while, making me feel safe and protected under his touch before he pulls away as his tear drops on my cheek.

"I'm leaving.." he whispers, and I look up at him with wide eyes. My chest rises and falls in a fast speed as I process his words in my mind. Before I can say anything further, he wipes away my tears and again leans forward, pressing his lips against mine.

With his kiss full of love and passion, my mind races with millions of thoughts. Maybe I was kissing him for the last time. Maybe I was feeling his touch for the last time. Maybe I was seeing him for the last time. Maybe I was being close to him for the last time.

"Take care," he speaks as he pulls back from the kiss and stares into my teary eyes with his. He entwines our hands together, giving my hands a firm squeez, before slowly stepping away from me, our hands still locked together.

He was leaving me. I was losing him. But here I am, standing helplessly, with my heart aching with every action of his. His words, his touch, everything is leaving me speachless, hypnotising me as I quietly stare at him, with tears streaming down from both of our faces.

His grip on my hand loosens, but I hold him back and shake my head. He finally leaves my hands, taking more steps away from me.

"I love you, Maire."


I have no idea what I did. Don't kill me. 👀

#PeaceOut ✌

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