Chapter 31.

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Yep, last chapter. Can I have more comments from all of you since it's my last update for four months?


One word; Happy.

I am happy. It's been two months and things between Zayn and I are going absolutely well. Now that I am leaving for my Arts college, I'm excited and happy to finally leave my aunt's house. Which means no twin bullies, no aunt, and no high school dramas. I still work at the clinic, and the fued between Zayn and Niall is all well. So basically everything is at peace and I love the way how it is going. It's not like everything is perfect, the twins still bully me and my aunt has become more aggressive after realizing that I'm leaving in few weeks, but at least things are better than before.

Taking out everything from my locker and packing it in my bag, I stand in front of it thinking back to the memories. A smile appears on my lips when the memory of my first note from Zayn crosses my mind. I was beyond confused that day when I got that beautiful poetry addressed to me. Everything still feels like a dream, like it never happened and I'm afraid if I wake up, it's all going to vanish.

"Maire, Zayn gave this for you," I hear Amber's best friend's voice from behind as she patts my shoulder and I quickly close my locker and turn around to face Chloe. She's been nice to me since few days, it's surprising, but as long as she is making an effort, I'm totally fine with it. Maybe she realized her mistakes?

"What is it?" I ask, taking a note from her hands with knitted eyebrows. She smiles at me before winking and begins to walk away.

"Looks like lover boy need you," she laughs, walking away from me and a smile starts appearing on my lips once I open the note and read it.

My phone is not working and I had to leave early. Meet me at my appartment once you're done with your packing :)

-Zayn x

I squint my eyes in confusion for a second before shrugging it off and placing the note inside my bag along with my other things. I walk outside the school, staring at the building for a minute which has given me bad and good memories as well. I hope college life is better than the school life I had.

I pull my red beanie over my ears, huffing in the cold weather as I catch a cab for Zayn's apartment. He once took me to his place when his roommates were staying at their friends' houses so Zayn and I watched movies and cuddled that day. Guess what? I made him watch four parts of Twilight. Trust me, I heard him groan, whine and even cry because he didn't want to watch it. He even begged. But I still made him watch it and he wasn't allowed to sleep, I had warned him. I was evil to him that day. Moodswings.

That memory forms another smile on my face as I fix my hair and smudged mascara in the front camera of my phone, finally getting back to my daydreaming about him.

It's like I can't stop thinking about him. We've been together for over two months now and he manages to make me happy each and every day of my life, without even getting tired of me.

Paying the driver, I get out of the cab and head inside Zayn's apartment and walk in the elevator, patiently waiting for his floor.

As soon as the elevator stops at his floor, I walk to his flat to find the door open already. Even last time his door was open, his roommates always leave the door open and he is complaining to me everytime about it.

"Maire?" I hear a familiar voice from behind before I can step inside Zayn's flat, I step back and turn around to face one of his roommates, the only guy who was friendly with me, Javier.

That day when I was at Zayn's flat for the movies, at night his roommates came back and none of them were happy to see me there and just wanted me to get out so they can sleep. One of them had started to make perverted comments which Zayn couldn't tolerate and was about to punch him in the jaw but Javier and I stopped him. Javier was the only guy who was nice to me.

"Hey, Javier!" I greet him with a smile on my face which slowly starts fading when I see a shocked look on his face.

"Is everything alright?" I ask him, furrowing my eyebrows. A frown finds it's way on his face as his hand reaches his hair and he looks at me with widen eyes.

"If you're here, then who is inside...?" Javier trails off, asking the question to himself more. My eyes widen a bit at his sentence as I try to understand his words.

"What do you mean?" I ask him.

He bites his lips, looking at me with an unsure look. He seems like he is deciding if he should say what's in his mind or not.

"There's someone inside with Zayn, Maire..." he says, and I look at him in confusion. For some reasons I feel my heart beat picking up a fast speed as if I know what he is talking about but I'm just not accepting it.

Without wasting my time, I turn around and grab the door knob of their flat, pushing the door as I walk inside to find two people in the corner of the living room.

Zayn's back is facing me as he stands there with the red haired girl. Her hands are wrapped around his neck as she looks at him with a smile on her face. Her emerald eyes linger on his face before her smile turns into a slight pout.

"You said you will leave her soon, Zayn." A sentence leaves from Amber's mouth which causes my breath to hitch in my throat. My chest rises and falls in a quick speed as I stare at both of them in front of me.

I feel my heart being twisted when I watch her press her lips against his. The ground beneath my feet swipes away. Nothing comes out of my mouth as I quietly stare at both of them in shock. I feel a hard lump in my throat and my vision getting blurry because of the tears in my eyes which I hold back.

I still want to believe what I saw is nothing. I want to believe that this is not true. I want to believe in us. I want to believe that he would never break my trust.

But it's already broken.




Don't kill me. Please read the last author note after this, it's important.

There will be a sequel if you answer the questions in the next author note after this chapter.

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