Chapter 1

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I had everything, straight A's, a loving boyfriend who was also the quarterback of the football team, and parents that actually cared about me. You can probably say I had a perfect life. Well, false statement. One day about four years ago, my dad left, and another year after that, my parents were divorced. I was told many times that the divorce wasn't my fault. I knew it wasn't. My mom cheated on my dad with his boss. She was a bitch. I really hated her. To think of it, I was always a Daddy's Girl.

Ever since the divorce trial I havn't been the same. My straight A's dropped to straight D's, I never talk to my mom, and yes, I self-harm myself. Cutting, burning, you name it. Because of that, my boyfriend left me. he said he have a suicidal girlfriend and that it would ruin his reputation. One day before our one year he broke up with me through text. Of course, it felt like the end of the world. I got those corny sayings about fish in the sea. Like my friends actally care.

That's another reason my I cause myself harm. My so-called "friends" were only my "friend" because of my boyfriend. They wanted to get closer to him. Funny thing is that my "best friend" Mia started going out with Chris (my ex) a little less than a week after we broke up.

The cutting and burning had gotten so bad that I wanted to be home schooled. So my mom found a home-schooling teacher that only asked for $100 a year.

So I have been homeschooled for half my sophomore year and half of my junior. I never want to go back. It's never going to happen.

That's what I thought, until yesterday.


"Jen honey, I need to talk to you." Mom said from the living room. I groaned and jumped off my bed. Dragging myself into the living room I yawned.

"What." I groaned.

"It's about homeschool. Honey, we can't affored it anymore. Your dad refuses to pay child support. You are goi-" I cut her off.

"I AM NOT GOING BACK TO SHERWOOD! NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!" I started bawling and I ran to my bedroom.

How could she do this to me? I mean really? I can't go back. I just can't. I should just drop out.

And ruin my future? Not going to happen.

So, I guess I am going back to Sherwood Public High School.


Tomorrow I go back to Sherwood. Oh Joy. I get to see Chris and Mia making out in the halls. But, I also get to see Randi. We kind of had a thing during the beginning of sophomore year, but when I started being homeschooled we drifted apart.

I really miss him.

I also get to see my old homeschool teachers daughter Oliva. She goes to Sherwood even though her mom is a homeschool teacher. She came over a few times and we soon became best friends. She likes Randi's best friend Kevin. I keep telling her that she should go out with him but like me, shes a chicken.

I'm such a hiprocite, I'm too much of a chicken to even text Randi.

If I wasn't a chicken, I would be going out with him right now. He loves me. I mean, really loves me. When I started homeschool, he began to cut himself. I can't say that it didn't affect me either. Burning, cutting, yes. But going back to public high school with worsen that. I told my mom I would never go back, and now shes telling me I have to. I really hate her sometimes. Times like this makes me wish my dad had custody of me and not her.

Looking at my clock it reads 9:47. So I should take a shower and go to bed. I'm so tired.

It's going to be a sleepless night and I know it.

In the morning,


Why did I even set my alarm? I didn't get any sleep like I predicted. I groan as I get up. Going to my dresser, I grab my hot pink skinny jeans, black t-shirt, and my Bring Me The Horizon sweatshirt. I lace up my black high-tops and walk to the bathroom. Hopefully I can do something with my makeup to hide these dark circles.

Grabbing my concealer, powder foundation, and liquid coverup, I work my magic hiding these dark circles. I cake on the eyeliner, mascara and eyeshadow. Walking to the kitchen for breakfast, I just about trip over my dog Baby.

I sit down at the table, eat my breakfast, grab my keys and drive to Sherwood.

"This.Is.Going.To.Be.Hell." I say to myself.

I park my car in the satudent parking lot. Walking to the front doors, I see Randi with his mouth wide-open and eyes wide. I decide not to go to him so I just keep walking. I walk through the fornt doors and suddenly everything comes back.

The bullying, teasing, being shoved into lockers, punching, kicking, books being thrown out of my hands, tripping, laughing, crying, and running away.

 I can't do this.

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