Chapter 7

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A/N: I hope you guys like this chapter. In my opinion, it could be a lot better. I feel like it was rushed. But hey, it's written right?

Okay, I'll stop boring you and let you read chapter 7.






I walked over to the hospital bed. I hated what I saw. He had many bruises on his face and his left eye was swollen and purple. I slowly and carefully sat on the bed next to him. I heard him mumble when I did.

"Sorry..." I said full of guilt. He laughed and put his arm around me pullingme down.

"I love you." He said into my ear. He kissed my cheek.

"Awww." I heard Ms. Scott say from across the room. "So cute." Randi and I both shot her a death stare.

We all laughed. But I could tell Randi was still in a lot of pain by the way he "oofed" when he laughed. I felt his pain but he definitely couldn't feel mine. Nobody knows the pain I've lived through.

I tried to take my mind off this topic as soon as I could. I look over to Randi and smile. He smiled but I could still tell he was is a lot of pain. I felt really bad. It was sort of my fault. I suggested that we go to the mall. If I didn’t bring it up, we wouldn’t of went. If we didn’t go, we wouldn’t of seen David. If we didn’t see David, Randi wouldn’t have gotten hurt.

“Jen, are you okay?” I must have been staring into space.

“Oh, uh, yea.” I laughed.

“Okay, just making sure.” He smiled at me. I looked down. “No really Jen, are you okay?” His smile turned into a straight face.

“Yea, uh, no. I’m not. Baby, if I didn’t suggest going to the mall, you wouldn’t of gotten hurt. If we didn’t go, we wouldn’t have seen David.


Me and Ms. Scott were told to go home after we had spent four hours in the hospital. We drove  back to her house. Her in her Cloud White 2011 Ford Taurus and me in Randi’s Midnight Blue Ford Mustang.

I was not going home anytime soon. Ms. Scott didn’t mind me staying. I went upstairs to Randi’s room and climbed into his bed. The pillow smelled like his ‘Axe’ cologne. I fell asleep almost instantly.


Today is Sunday and Randi is being discharged tomorrow. I slowly walked over to my bag and grabbed my sea green ‘I <3 ♫’ shirt, grey skinny jeans, and black Bearpaw boots. I had no idea why I wanted to dress all “preppy” today, instead of my usual “scene” or “emo” attire. Maybe because it’s the weekend, I don’t know. Even with my makeup, it wasn’t as dark as usual. I still straightened my hair like every day. I put my laptop it it’s Vera Bradley sleeve and grabbed my Coach bag. What was happening to me?!? Vera Bradley? Coach? Bearpaw boots? I must be crazy. This isn’t me. Oh well.

I planned on spending all the visiting hours with Randi so I stopped at the local convenience store and bought a bunch of snacks and drinks. I bought Randi his favorite drink, the ‘Blue Amp’, and his favorite snack, a ‘Slim Jim’. For myself I bought the ‘Purple Amp’ and a bag of ‘Doritos’ along with a ‘Slim Jim’. I pulled into the hospital parking lot and got out of my car.

“Well hello.” It. Was. Him. I turned around. How did the cops not find him yet? I hate the police in this town.

Why not stick up for myself?

“Fuck off.” I said and walked over to the hospital entrance. Surprisingly, David just walked back to his car and drove off. Am I actually stronger than him?


Pushing the thought out of my head I walked over to the elevators and pushed the “up” button. The rooms started on the second floor. The first floor was the lobby and office. I got off the elevator and turned the corner. I saw room B100, B101, B102, and I walked down the hallway until I saw room B109.

Randi did look better. I have to admit. He still had a few bruises but they didn’t show as much as yesterday. He already had his stuff packed and together. He was sleeping.


I sat on the chair across from the bed and took my laptop out.

I logged onto facebook and updated my status.

“Randi is being discharged from the hospital tomorrow. Yay! Probably not going to school tomorrow, I want to be home with him, sooo… yea… lol :) ♥” I clicked ‘post’. I sat there for about fifteen minutes until Randi finally woke up.

“Hey baby.” He said while in the middle of a yawn. He pulled the blanket off and stepped the hospital bed. He slowly made his way to the bathroom.

“Nice ass!” I laughed. “The hospital gown look? So not you.” He laughed.

“Oh yea?” He walked into the bathroom. Before shutting the door he poked his head out. “And the whole ‘preppy girl’ look? So not you.”

“Think of a better comeback! You stole my insult!”

“Pfffft.” He blew a raspberry at me and shut the bathroom door.

“After about a minute he walked out of the bathroom.

“Damn! Guys pee fast!” We both laughed. “Oh yea, your mom is coming a little later. She said something about looking at a house.” Randi’s eyes widened.

“WHAT? YOU ARE KIDDING RIGHT? RIGHT!” His loud outburst made a nurse come running in the room.

“Everything okay in here?” The young female nurse asked.

“Yea, everything’s fine.” The nurse left and Randi hopped back on his bed. He buried his face in his hands. Why did he freak out when I told him that his mom was looking at a house? Does he has a special connection with the house? Something holding him back? I had no idea.

“Babe, what’s wrong?” I asked as I walked over to the bed. I sat down and put my head on his shoulder while I rubbed his back.

“It’s, it’s just that,” He sighed. “It’s just that I can’t leave that house. I was born in that house. My parents had a maid who was also a nurse here that mostly worked in the maternity unit. My mom couldn’t make it to the hospital because the car wouldn’t start. So my dad called the nurse to come over and help my mom deliver me. I lived in that house my whole life. I can’t leave. I just can’t.” It’s like I’m attached to the house."

Wow. Just wow.

“Another reason I can’t leave, my dad was also born there. If I leave the house, it’s like I leave him.”

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