Chapter 3

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A/N: There is a naughty scene towards the middle of the chapter. BUT DON'T WORRY! IT'S NOT REALLY BAD.




I woke up about an hour later. Randi was still here. Trying not to wake him I quietly got up and went to my computer to start on my creative writing assignment.

The assignment took about 45 minutes. This is what I wrote.


Jennifer Reynolds

Mrs. Girard

Adv. Creative Writing

January 15, 2012

Why me?

Dear diary, why me?

Every day I come home from school shaking and terrified. Is he going to hurt me? I always wish that he isn't there so I can just get up to my room without a slap.

But my wishes never come true.

He is always there.

And I always get hit.

I'm called a worthless tennage waste or space, and the worst part is that my mom doesn't do anything to stop it. She doesn't break up with him, yell at his to get out, or call the police.

She just stands there and watches her boyfriend beat her only daughter.

I'm locked in my room, currently it is 8:56 at night. He always comes in at 9:00.

He calls me his "little toy".

I hate his voice.

I hate his smell.

I hate his touch.

I hate his, everything. Can't all of this, torture, and this abandoned feeling ever stop?

I ask again, why me?



Clicking print I realized I just spoke the truth. Everything David des and had done to me, in one little assignment.

Was I stronger than him? I doubt it.

"Jen?" Randi yawned.


"How is your creative writing assingment?" He asked

"Well, its good." I couldn't tell him that I spoke the truth.

"Can I read it?" He said with pleading eyes.

"Yea, sure." I handed it to him. The paper was still warm from just coming out of the printer. His eyes quickly ran accross the paper. I was thankful he didn't know it was all true.

"This is really good Jen. I would give you an A." He said as he handed the paper back to me.

"Yea, bout you know how Mrs. Girard is with her grading system." I laughed.

After about an hour, Randi left. It was about 6:00. Dinner. I'm not going.

It's the same every night. Eat dinner, do the dishes, re-do the dishes because my mom finds every little spot I "missed", go back to my room, and wait for the torture that's coming at 9:00.

I had one and one half hours to wait.

Wait for the torture. Even if I locked my door, I wouldn't be safe. He had a key.

The one and one half hours went by fast. Too fast. I was laying on my bed dozing off with the teddy bear Randi gave me thie first time we went out.


My door flew open. David.

"Hello there my little toy."

I hated his voice.

He walked over to my bed.

"You know the drill." I stood up, unbuttoned my pants and pulled them down. He took off my underwear. "Aw, you wore my favorite ones! The purple lace boy-shorts." I continued and took off my shirt, he took off my bra. I was therefore standing naked in front of him.

He unbuttoned and took off his pants. At the same time he took off his plaid boxers. He pulled his shirt over his head.

I knew what was coming.

He pushed me on the bed.

I hated his touch.

I relived the nightmare that I had lived every night since I was fourteen.

He finally left.

"I'll see you again tomorrow night my little toy." He laughed as walked out of the room. My mom knows what he does to me everynight. Has she done anything about it?


She hasn't.

Should I just run away? Live with Randi? He'll treat me right.

Or should I go and try to find my dad? Maybe he actually cares.

Then why did he leave?

I opened my jewelry box on my shelf next to my bed.

"Well hello old friend." I said as I picked up the blood-stained blade. I brought it closer to my wrist. I cried as I brought it accross my skin.

"If this is the only way to releave this pain, that so be it." I mus thave gave myself six new cuts. I look back into the jewelry box and see my dad's old zippo lighter. I flipped it open and brought the flame accross my arm.

I cried myself to sleep.


I shut off my alarm.

I grabbed my grey sweatpants and my All Time Low sweatshirt. I grabbed my backpack and rushed out the door.

Driving to school, I was a mess. Crying my eyes out and smuding my makeup.

Same thing as yesterday, I grabbed my calc, history, biology materials and my clarinet.

The first half of the day dragged on.

I sat with randi again at lunch.

During study, again, I went to my locker and grabbed my music theory and creative writing materials.

Mrs. Girard loved my assignment. She said she could actually feel the pain of the girl.

If she only knew.

Randi came over again with his saxaphone. David asked who he was but I just ignored him and ran up to my room, hoping David wasn't following me.

"So, how did Mrs. Girard like your assignment?"

"Oh, she loved it. Listen Randi, baby, listen. I really need to talk to you." I said quietly.


"D-david was the abuser in the assignment and I was the abusee. He sexually abuses me."

I just told him my deepest, darkest, secret

Did I just make a mistake?

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