Chapter 5

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I decided to didicate this chapter to SocialButterfly99. She made my day the other day by saying how she liked this story and told me to post more. I was having a horrible day up until then. :) Thank you!


A/N: I know I haven't posted in a while. Sorry. I had this little disease called SEVERE WRITERS BLOCK. So yeah, I'll stop boring you and let you read chapter 5.

I apologize now for any spelling mistakes. My nephew ripped the keys off my laptop and my T, Y and G key only like to work when they want to.




This son-of-a-bitch is going to die before he hurts MY girl again.


I look at Jen and her eyes are red from crying so much. I wrapped my arms around her in a safe embrace so she knows that I'm here for her.

I always will be. Jen had lived with this for too long. It is not going to continue.

This bastard is going to die.


Randi was going to kill David? David will kill him before he can get a hand on him! I can't let him do this. He'll get hurt. I love him and I can't let that happen.

"Randi, you can't. He'll kill you first." I said with tears forming.

"And let him hurt you? Jen, I can't let this happen. You don't deserve it! He is a fucking bastard that needs others to feel weak so he feels in control. He is a insecure, worthless human being. He doesn't deserve to live." He had his hands cletched into fists. I couldn't stand to see him like this. I loved him too much. I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes. I fell into a deep sleep in his arms.


Today was Saturday. Finally the weekend. I was still groggy from sleep but I knew exactly where I was.

In Randi's arms. He was still sleeping so getting up was a challenge. I slipped out of hims arms and walked over to my bag. Grabbing my toothbrush, makeup, shampoo and conditioner I walked into the bathroom that was just off of Randi's bedroom. I was suprised to see a double sink and a jacuzzi bathtub with a shower stall right accross.

I undressed and took a shower letting the hot water burn my skin. It didn't hurt. It felt good.

I hopped out of the shower and dried my hair and body.

I put on my makeup the same as every day. A lot of black eyeliner, mascara, and eyeshadow. Concealer, foundation, liquid and powder, to cover my dark circles. It had to be magic . I have no idea how I can cover these. Magic.

Because the bathroom is right off of the bedroom I hear Randi still snoring which means he's still sleeping.


I love him anyway.

I walk back into his bedroom and he is very slowly waking up. He makes a noise that sound like "mummblerg". I laugh.

"Finally awake I see?" He makes the "mummblerg" noise again. I sit on the couch in the room and grab my bag. I put my makeup, toothbrush, shampoo and conddition back in and I take out my laptop. I plugged it in and turned it on. I move the arrow to Word and I open my "diary" as you can call it. I start writing.


January 26, 2012.

Dear Diary?

Can I even call this a diary? I don't know. What I do know is that Randi wants to kill David for hurting me and David wants to kill Randi because I ran off. I'm sorry David, your "little toy" is sick of what you do to her.

So, yea, I ran off. I packed a bag anf ran to Randi's house. He gladly let me stay. I think I love him. He says he loves me but I never felt true love. My dad left and David hurts me. Worst part is, my mom doesnt do anything about it.

What. The. Fuck. Ever.

I don't care anymore.


After writing I saved the document as "1/26/12 entry 4". I opened the internet and went on Facebook. The little red number telling me how many notifications I have read 27. I moved the arrow and clicked on it.

They were all from David. Wall posts, comments, everything. He called me a dirty little whore, slut, bitch,and many other horrible names.

"I AM NOT A WHORE!" I threw my computer onto the couch coushion next to me. I pulled my knees in close to mer and made myself as small as possible. "I am not a whore, I am not a whore, I am not a whore..." I kept repeating those five words to myself in a shaky whisper.

Randi shot up and came running over to me.

"Jen, Jen, Jen, shhh it's okay. Jen, Jen I'm here. Jen, it's okay Shhh." he said in a comforting voice as he held out his arms to hold me close.

"I am not a whore, I am not a whore..." I kept repeating to myself as he planted a soft kiss on the top of my head.

"Jen, shhh, no, you are not a whore. " He pulled me in closer to him where my face was buried in his chest. "I love you." I lifted my head and my tear-filled eyes met his.

"A-am I a wh-whore?" I studdered.

"No, Jen, don't say that again. You are not a whore." He kissed the top of my head again.

I smiled and said, "Love you to." I pushed my head up and kissed him. We cuddled for about an hour. His mom knew I was here so she called us both down for breakfast. Randi and I walked down stairs hand-in-hand. Ms. Scott put a plate of french toast in front of me.

I felt bad for her. Randi's dad, her husband, Bill died from a brain tumor when Randi was eleven. He spent six years without his dad and Melanie had to get him through middle school, with the bullying and him cutting himself alone. I felt really bad. Randi also has a sister but she is in her sophomore year of college and she never comes home. Her college, UMass Amherst, is only a two hour drive away. She doesn't have the nerve to come home after she told her mom she hated her. So shes in college, getting her degree in medicine, not even thinking of her family back home.


Randi and I finished our breakfast and decided to head to the mall. We got into his midnight blue Ford Mustang and drove off. We easily found parking. We walked to the entrance of the mall hand-in-hand.

"OH MY GOD! JEN?!?!?!?" Right then and there I knew what was coming.


I quicly spun around and accepted her hug. The two days I have been back at Sherwood she was at an internship at the elementary school. She wants to become a kindergarten teacher.

"Hey girl!' I said smiling. "Missed you!" I look to the left and see Kevin standing there awkwardly.

"OH YEAH! RIGHT! I totally forgot. Me and Kevin are dating now!" She got up on her tip-toes and planted a quick kiss on his lips. He had to be at least six inches taller than her, if not more.

We all walked into the mall and as soon as I turned my head away from Randi, I saw him. He had the same old crooked smile that I saw everyday for four years.




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