Chapter 4

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A/N: something VERY IMPORTANT happens in this chapter!! Comment on what you think!!!

Love you guys! Thank you for reading! <3





I did trust Randi right? Right?

"J-Jen, I-I didn't know. I-I'm sorry." I could see the tears in his eyes. "Has your mom done anything about this?"

"You mean except sit there and let it happen? No."

"Oh. My. God. Jen, I'll, I'll call the police, right now. Yes, that's what I'll do." He quickly whipped out his phone. I attacked him and ripped the phone out of his hand. "What the fuck was that for?"

"Randi baby, you can't call the police. He treatened to kill me if anybody squealed on him. He can't even find out that I told you. If he did, then yeah. I'll be dead. So please, do no tell anyone. Please." I looked into his eyes, pleading. Begging.

The look in his eyes said it all. Yes, I can trust him. He didn't need to speak.


After about two hours Randi left. I was left alone in my room. My clock read 6:00, dinner. I decided to go down tonight. Knowing last nights torture was worse than usual because I didn't go down for dinner. I walked to the kitchen and slowly peeked around the corner. Mom was standing at the stove and David was sitting at the table. He looked up and saw me.


"Well well well, decided to come to dinner tonight?" He winked at me.

I hated, no, loathed him.

I sat down at my place at the table. Right accross from David. I shuddered. Mom put a plate of spaghetti in front of me. I quickly ate trying to avoid any conversation.

"Dishes. Now." Mom said as she picked up the plates. I walked over to the sink and

turned the water on letting the hot water warm my cold skin. I did the dishes, once, twice, as always and went up to my room. I looked at my clock, 7:38. An hour and twenty-two minutes. Can't this just stop?

I text Randi.

"hey. u home?" I wrote. Within two minutes he responded.

"yea, whts up?" he wrote.

"can I come over?"


"c u soon. <3" I went to my closet, grabbed my purple duffle bag and quickly stuffed clothes in it not caring what I packed. I had an fire escape right out my window so getting out wasnt a big hastle. With my feet landing on the grass and the tears pouring down my cheeks I ran to Randi's house.

Running out of breath quickly I had to stop. Running and crying completly drained me of my energy. I walked to the park which was accross the street and sat down with my back against the old maple tree. The tree could not protect me because it was mid-winter and it had no leaves. There was no snow on the ground, which is suprising because by this time of year Blackstone has at least two feet on the ground.

After about ten minutes of just sitting there I got up and continued my way to Randi's house. Knowing when I'm there I'll actually be loved by somebody.

What does love feel like?

I wish I knew.

Approaching his house butterflies had formed in my stomach. It was about quarter of 9:00. I would be getting a call from him when we realizes I'm not there.

What would he do?

I pushed the thought out of my head. Soon I was standing on Randi's front steps. I knocked three times and waited.

He opened the door and as soon as he saw me he smiled.

"Hey babe." I walked in. "On the phone u sounded really upset. Need to talk?"

"Yea, I do. Well, I told you that David hurts me and how he does it. After dinner I went up to my room to wait but then I realized that I didn't have to put up with his shit. So I texted you asking you if you were home, packed a bag, and came here. H-hoping I could stay." I started crying. He took my hand and we walked upstairs. I threw my bag down and we sat on his bed. He put is arms around me, his embrace warmed me up immediately.

"Of course you can stay." He smiled and crashed his lips to mine. I missed his soft kisses when I was homeschooled.

"Boy did I miss that." I said when we pulled away.

"Miss what?" He said sarcastically.

"This." I said as I pulled him into another kiss.

"I did to." He said against my lips. He started taking my shirt off and I instantly felt uncomfortable. I moved my body out of the way he pulled me closer and took off my shirt leaving me in my bra. He began unbuttoning my jeans and that instantly flicked a swtich inside me. I pushed his away and I leaped off the bed.

"Randi, Randi I can't I just can't." His eyes moved down to the floor. I grabbed my shirt off the bed and put it on, also buttoning my pants.

"I-I'm sorry Jen. I-I really am." Tears formed in his eyes.

"Randi, it's not you. It's David. He raped me every night for two and a half years." As soon as I stopped speaking, my phone went off.

On the top of the screen it read David.

I hesitated sliding my finger accorss the screen to answer the call.

"H-hello?" I stammered.

"Hi little toy, where the fuck are you. I need you here, right now. In your bedroom. I'm standing right in front of your bed and if you are not here in at least one hour I am going to kill that precious boyfriend of yours." I hated his voice.

"I CAN'T DAVID! I AM FUCKING STRONGER THAN YOU BUT YOU WANT TO MAKE ME FEEL WEAK SO YOU FEEL IN CONTROL! WHAT DO YOU DO TO MY MOM AT NIGHT HUH? THE SAME THING? OR DOES SHE WILLINGLY DO IT SO YOU DON'T LEAVE HER? SO FUCK YOU!" I hit the 'end' button and slammed my phone onto the couch in Randi's bedroom. My knees fell weak and I crumpled to the floor. I buried my face in my hands and just cried. Randi walked over, bent down and rubbed my back.

"What exactly did he say Jen?" His voice was full of concern.

"H-he said th-that if I'm not h-home withing an hour, he-he'll k-kill you." And with that statement Randi went silent.

Dead silent.

I looked over at him and we was just staring into space.

"R-Randi, you okay?"

"I am going to kill this son-of-a-bitch if it is the last thing I do."

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