Chapter 2

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"I can't do this." I said quietly to myself. I walked to the office with my head down, looking at the floor.

Remembering exactly where the main office was, I walked down to the A wing. Entering the office made me shudder. My ex Chris was sitting in the principals office. His right eye black.

"Jen?" I heard him say.

"Y-yea?" I studdered.

"Why are you here?" What could I say? 'My parents can't afford homeschooling anymore so I had to come back.'? Yea and make my family look poor. So I said,

"Just decided to come back to Sherwood is all." I forced a smile.

"Well, nice to see you."

I walked up to the front desk and talked to the secretary. I would have the same schedule I had for the first half of the year. Adv pre-calc, AP US History, Adv Wind ensemble, AP Biology, Adv Creative Writing, Adv music theory, and study.

Same students, teachers, everything.

I grabbed the schedule and went to my locker. Same locker, same lock, same conbination.

"14-32-14" I said quietly to myself. I grabbed my materials for calc, history,and biology. I grabbed my clarinet for band (I played 1st principal chair) because I had it lunch period. Clutching the office slip in my hand I walked down to room 107 for calc. Shaking all the way there. Waiting to be slammed into the lockers. I entered the room where Mrs. Greene was standing at the smart board.

"Well, look who it is! Welcome back Jen. Your seat is still open." With red cheeks I quickly walked to my seat. Fourth row, third down from the front.

I had already learned this lesson during homeschool so I just jotted down quick notes.

Waiting for the bell-tone seemed to take five years.

I quickly hopped out of my seat and ran, shaking, to history. Same thing, teacher told me my seat was open, we were learning something I have already learned, and I ran out of the room when the bell0tone sounded. Same thing repeated in biology.

Going down the A wing to get to the band room, I hoped I still had my principal 1st clarinet spot.

Going down the stairs, I was tripped. I fell down the two flights of stairs, twenty steps total. My books flew out of my hand and my clarinet went flying to the other side of the lobby crashing into the bottom of a trophy case.

I slowly got up, examined myself. A few cuts and scrapes, nothing major. I picked up my books, ggrabbed my clarinet and waled to the band room.

The first person I was in there was Randi. He played 1st principal chair alto saxaphone. I tried to hurry into the auditorium to sit down but he grabbed my arm.

"Hey! I saw you in the parking lot this morning. Wow, you look different. I like it." He smiled. "I really missed you! Why did you come back?" I could tell him anything. I trusted him.

"W-well," I studdered. "My mom hired a homeschool teacher for only $100 a year. But my dad refuses to pay child support so she could no longer afford it. So, yea, here I am back at Sherwood."

"Well it's nice to have you back Jen." He smiled and walked to the saxaphone slot.

I rushed to the auditorium and sat down. Is till had my principal seat. I putmy clarinet together and Mr. Fallon gave me the music.

"Arabesque", "El Camino Real", and "Wedding March". Nice!

We warmed up, Bflat scale, Aflat scale, C scale, and chromatic scale. We played round, and then we tuned.

We started off playing "Arabesque". Man, did I love this song. I've always loved playing really high notes. Up to the 4th octave.

Turns out, in these songs I do have solos. Beginning of the year I didn't because our songs didn't call for solos.

After about an hour, band ended and I walked to 3rd lunch. I bought a garden salad and a water. Finding a table was an impossible process. Finally I saw Randi and I went to go sit with him.

"Hey Jen, how do you like the new band songs? Pretty hard huh?" He smiled as he took a bite out of his pizza.

"I love them! Especially 'Arabesque'. It's so pretty."

"Well, I meant to ask you, well, would you consider going back out with me? I mean you don't need to it's just I rea-" I shut him up by leaning accross the tabe and kissing him right on his lips.

"I thought you would never asked. I really missed you." I said as we pulled apart.

His eyes lit up and he smiled.

"I thought I woukd never get a Jen kiss again. Jen, I really did love you. I mean I still do, but I wasn't the same without you." Yes, he was a corny guy, but that's what I loved about him.

The sleeve on my sweatshirt moved up. I quickly pulled it down hoping Randi didn't see my scars.

"Jen, what wasw that?" He said pointing to my right wrist.

"N-nothing." I studdered.

He quickly reached accross the table and pulled down my sweatshirt sleeve.

"Jen, why?"His facial expression quickly went from happy to concerned. "Jen, talk to me."

"Randi, I-I couldn't stand Sherwood. I was always bullied. That's why I left. Then my parents divorce, that didn't help. My mom is a bitch, I really hate her. So, I felt that my onloy escape from the pain was cutting, burning, you name it." I was trying to hold back tears.

"Jen, you can't do this to yourself. You are going to live with these scars." He said in a sympathetic voice.

The bell-tone rang signaling the end of lunch. During study, I went to my locker and grabbed my music theory and creative writing materials.

Same exact thing happened in both of them, same seat, and I was basically reviewing things I have already learned.

Again, waiting for the bell-tone seemed to take forever. Finally, it sounded. Walking to my locker, I stop at Randi's locker first.

"Hey." He smiled.

"Hey." I kissed him. "You want to come over and practice for the Music Festival coming up? Considering we both have solos."

"Yea sure. I'll go grab my saxaphone from the band room. " He walked off.

I went to my locker. I only had Creative Writing homework. I have to write an entry in a journal from the point of view of a girl who is abused by her parents. Fun topic...

I walked to the band room to meet Randi. Since he taked the bus we took my car.

The drive home was quiet.

Walking into my house, I see my mom kiss her boyfriend. Disgusting. I was afraid of him. He hits me. So I guess my creative writing assignment wont be as hard as I expected.

Randi and I walked to my room and shut the door so David, my mom's boyfriend, wouldn't be bothered. Trust me, you do not want to bother him.

I took my two music stands out of the closet and set them in front of me and Randi. We started practicing our solos in "El Camino Real' and then "Arabesque". We had no solos in "Wedding March".

After practicing and doing a play-through of the songs, we put our insturments away and just sat on my bed and talked.

He leaned in and kissed me.

"Man, I don't think I ever stopped loving you." He said against my lips.

He kissed me again, I really loved him.

"Man, I love you." Randi said against my neck.

I rested my head on his chest and fell asleep.

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