Girl Talk

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Thanks for the outpouring of love and support. I say this a lot but it's true. There is no greater feeling than your comments and feedback on my crappy writing. You are all a huge blessing in my life xx 

The baby shower was planned for the middle of February, just before Valentines day. It would be four months later and I was going to see him. I was nervous, excited, eager, and yet still unsure about what to expect. I was only going to be able to go for the day but that was still something considering we hadn't met in three months. There were too many emotions going through my head and I was about to go crazy.

It was supposed to be a surprise for Ali so Saf apaa and Inayah Bhabhi were coming to pick me up. Besides them, only my mother-in-law was told I was coming.

They picked me up Friday morning and I'd be back Saturday night. "Ali's going to shit his pants," Safiyana apaa snorted when I got in the car. I may have dolled up a bit.

I settled into the backseat of the car for the two hour drive. The girls spent some of the ride chatting about whatever was new with them, asking me about school and work. Then it began.

"Sooooo, are you excited to see your hubby after four months?" Inayah bhabhi turned in her seat so she was sitting sideways with me and Saf apaa in view.

"I guess," I let out a small chuckle.

"We better make sure no one is around when Ali sees her. Who knows what haram-ness we'll have to see," Safiyana snickered.

"Um no, let's not go there," I muttered, embarrassed.

"Oh come on! You guys haven't talked about this yet?" Saf apaa gasped, looking over her shoulder at me when traffic slowed us down.

"No, I've been avoiding talking about it," I admitted.

"Why?" Inayah bhabhi narrowed her eyes.

"I don't know. It's just not something I think we should've talked about over the phone. Plus, it's not really a conversation that was needed," I shrugged.

"Oh God, you two are something else. So what about tonight? What if something happens tonight then?"

I had to laugh at that. "We were married for two days before I left. I haven't seen him for four months. I doubt we'll get down and dirty any time soon."

"You haven't heard Ali talk about you 24/7. What do you know about what he's ready to do," Saf apaa threw her head back and laughed.

"Okay serious question Nazeeha," Inayah bhabhi turned to face me, shifting her seatbelt around. "What if he brings it up? Are you ready?"

"I don't know guys, this isn't something I have a lot of experience in," I covered my face with my hands. "I have no idea how this shit happens."

"Let them take the lead. They're the one's who spend every waking minute dreaming out it," Saf apaa pitched in.

"That's true. Night of our wedding, Yusuf and I didn't really talk about it. We both knew and I let him take the lead. You eventually just figure it out," she nodded wistfully.

"But you guys knew each other before. We don't know each other that well," I leaned my face into my palm, my arm resting on the middle console.

This was a nice ass car.

"Ayaan and I kind of were like you. I don't know if anyone's told you but Ayaan and I got married so Omar and Zinat could get married-"

"Wait seriously?" my eyebrows shot up. She nodded and they both launched into the story of Ayaan and Safiyana.

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