The End

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I heard Ali's family's voices trail into the bedroom. I quickly wiped my tears and put on some decent clothes. I walked out with a plastered smile on my face.

"Arey Inayah? Theek ho? (Inayah, you okay?)" Inayah bhabhi walked up to me. Her face was covered in concern, proving to me that she sensed something was wrong.

"I'm okay," I whispered, taking a deep breath and forcing myself to look more cheery. "Hi Nimi," I turned my attention to the little girl, ignoring Inayah Bhabhi's worried stares. Taking her into my arms, I walked over to say hi to her parents.

"So what's the plan today guys?" Mizan bhai stretched out on my old couch. I don't think I'd ever seen him outside of suits and formal wear so him in jeans and a t-shirt was a bit of a funny sight to me.

"The wedding is around 6pm so we have time to kill. Let's go out for lunch somewhere and we can go shopping or something for a bit," Aisha bhabhi suggested.

"Why don't you two go spend a day together and we'll all take care of the kids," Inayah bhabhi suggested. Oh shit, she was trapping me and Ali.

"Sounds like a great idea," Mizan bhai grabbed his wife's hand instantly and pulled them both off the couch. "Let's go before they change their mind."

Aisha bhabhi left a long list of instructions for us before Mizan bhai dragged her out of the apartment. After locking the door, I came back into the living room. Yusuf bhai was sitting with his arm around Inayah bhabhi, a stern look across his face.

He gestured for me to sit down beside Ali. Sufyan was busy watching something on her Ali's iPad, with oversized Beats around his ears. Inayah bhabhi was slowly rocking Nimi in her cradle.

I felt my stomach growl and only now realized that I'd spent all morning crying without breakfast and it was lunchtime now.

"Inayah told me what's been happening. Ali, you want to explain yourself?" he crossed his arms over his chest now.

"Bhai why are you getting involved? Bhabhi you shouldn't have told him," Ali snapped at her.

"The hell she shouldn't have!" I'd never seen Yusuf bhai raise his voice. He was always so soft spoken and calm. "Ali you should have thought about this before you got married. Why is this an issue now?"

"Because I don't want the same thing that happened with Saf apaa to happen here. I'm not going through this shit of putting her life and my life and everyone around us in danger. Liam's already been on the radar, do we need to let her go and get into trouble too?" Ali stood up, yelling loud enough that even Sufyan looked up. Inayah bhabhi moved him to the kitchen where she could still see him but he was far away enough to stay distracted.

This was news to me. Liam was on what radar?

"What are you talking about?" I turned to Ali but Yusuf bhai spoke before Ali could reply.

"Ali it doesn't matter what he is going through. What matters is that she's your wife and she has the right to make her own decisions and you can't stop her from doing what she wants if she's not doing something that is wrong."

"But she's making a mistake Bhai. She's walking into trouble," Ali impressively held his ground against Yusuf bhai's rough stare.

"Ali, did you bother to tell her that?" Inayah bhabhi, the sensible one in the room spoke up.

"Yes," he said at the same time I said "no."

"Seems like you two have some talking to do," Yusuf bhai sat back down on the couch, his forearms leaning on his knees. "You need to clearly explain everything to her Ali. And if she continues to pursue this opportunity, than she gets to do that. At the point, it's up to you both what you decide to do and no one will stop you. We understand that you both had barely a minute to think about whether or not you want to spend your lives together so we can't hold it against you if you don't want to continue this. But she deserves her freedom Ali."

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