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"Where's my alfredo pasta?" Khloe asked innocently once she stood up from the floor and walked closer to me.

"I'm not your bitch!" I retorted, narrowing my eyes at her.

"But I'm hungry," she complained with a pout on her lips.

"Your fucking problem, not mine," I muttered, putting the silver key into the hole and unlocked the door of my art studio.

Entering inside the room, I welcomed the familiar smell of paints and the sight of walls covered with artworks I had made so far. My white converse shoes made a squeaky noise against the wooden floor as ceiling lights automatically turned on, recognizing our arrival.

As being one of the investor of this school, they gave me this private space at the fifth floor of our school administrative building, which I had furnished as my own art studio. Most of the time, I would spend painting on a blank canvas after school or during days I'm in the mood to create the vision revolving inside my head. It was no secret that I loved art so much. But they also didn't have any privilege to see my creation except for those whom I 'm close with.

However, one particular person had invaded my space due to an accident. Well, it wasn't really an accident. I had moments of recalling events, which likely occurred whenever she's with me and before I had realized it, I tackled her inside the studio without thinking too much about it. It wasn't a big deal but here she was, telling me to meet at my own haven. How very nice of her...

Speaking of the devil, the notorious brunette invited herself in as she collapsed on the couch at one corner of the studio. I shook my head in disbelief and then I sat on the stool, facing an incomplete painting of mine.

"If you can't give me my alfredo, at least give me yours. I bet your sauce is more delicious and creamy," Khloe teased, wiggling her brows at me suggestively.

My jaw dropped at her idea. "You fucking little prick! Why are you here again?!"

"Because we have to talk," she answered, shrugging nonchalantly. "And talk and talk... and figure out what's been happening between us since the... you know, since the truth or dare kiss."

"Nothing is happening between us," I hissed, motioning my arms in annoyance.

Khloe sneered at me. "Say Ms. Initiative. You've been harassing my lips since the day we kissed at Arisa's party. I mean what the actual fuck, if you want something more from me, just say it! I'm not a walking mouth to savage whenever you want. I have feelings, senses and preferences. It really hurts that you always take advantage of me. Just tell me if you want my pussy so badly and I'm willing to give it to you but of course in exchange, you have to give me your car."

I sighed, running my hands through my hair. "Khloe, I'm not gay. How many times do I have to say that to you? "

"Okay, Miss Straight, what's your excuse then?" she huffed, standing on her feet and began to pace around with her hands on her hips.

"Nature," I answered as I crossed my arms, watching her every movement. "Basically, I have needs just like the others. Just like you," I paused, and then stood up from my seat, walking towards the brunette slowly. Lifting my hands to hold her still, my eyes locked with hers, igniting an almost-familiar feeling within me. "You're too dumb to understand the consequences of our kind but to put it simply for you to grasp the concept, we're all equal. Have you ever step outside your house without putting a label on everything? The car in your garage, the fences on your lawn, the song playing in your playlist and the dog of your neighbor."

She frowned, giving me a confused look. "Like right now? A blonde cheerleader who's going nuts, using problematical statement to cover her denial."

half/closer | GirlXGirlजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें