half / 14

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The harmonious chirp of the birds gradually woke me up from my sleep. The light from an unfamiliar window brought warmth through my skin but slipped in my untainted eyes, making me wince softly. Still, in my hazy state, I made a move from my spot but was halted by the arms around my waist.

My eyes bulged out, fully alert now that I wasn't exactly in my own room but immediately calmed down once I recalled last night events.

The smile on my lips coordinated with the rays of the sunlight, utterly in the bliss that Khloe and I slept together in a spooning position. I carefully rolled around Khloe's embrace, trying not to wake her up and looked at her unconscious form. Some of her coffee tresses were on her face. Their shades lighten due to the flickers of the sunbeam coming from her window. The long lashes of her eyes were noticeable with her hazel-green orbs hiding beneath her lids. The smooth skin of her face bloomed replicating her beauty. Contrary to her sister who had the sweetest face, Khloe's feature was daunting but at this moment, I felt dazed by how serene she looked like.

My gaze fell on her parted lips and I couldn't help but bite my bottom one, remembering our deal last night. It was a dumb attempt from me and I just realized I'd sounded desperate and silly. However, Khloe seemed oblivious to my feelings for her and she was almost certainly thinking that I just needed her lips contact on mine to heal my damage heart and the broken art of my past.

Subconsciously, I raised my hand and gingerly tucked her hair behind her ear. The brunette stirred suddenly causing me to panic inside and that was my cue to close my eyes and pretend to be fast asleep.

I tried to sense her movement, completely attentive to her close proximity. And because I shifted a while ago in her embrace, in my surprise, Khloe tightened her hold on me, putting her legs on mine, drawing me closer to her body. I internally screamed inside as I felt her all over me.

And then my nerves rose up into a fluttering mess when she placed a feathery kiss on my nose. A toothy grin willingly broke out from my lips and then I rubbed my nose as if she'd left a butterfly on it.

A light chuckle from her effectively exposed my orbs and once our eyes met, it was a chain reaction. Her earthly eyes—her eyes produced a seismic wave through me, trembling my heart from a deep inertia, causing colossal debris inside my system.

Completely astounded, I buried my face in the crook of her neck, earning a soft laugh from her.

"I knew it," Khloe muttered, her voice still hoarse from sleep. "You're already awake."

Blushing for being caught, I gathered a courage to bite the skin on her neck. It was a little rough and Khloe slightly pulled away, making me pout.

"Hey, we didn't talk about any biting," she scolded, narrowing her eyes at me.

I rolled my eyes at her statement. "Hey back, Klo, don't forget you bit my lips last night a couple of times."

"Well, yeah," Khloe relented. "But we didn't talk about neck bites."

"And we also didn't agree about nose kisses," I countered, my lips curved because I'd got her there. She averted her eyes from me as she shied away and it was totally adorable of her.

In my dismay, she sat up, leaving me cold in my place and then she glanced at me over her shoulder. "We are basically friends with kissing benefits now so nose kisses and other parts of your body kisses completely counts."

And it was my time to flush, the words 'other parts of your body' rang through my ears. Oh gosh, what did she mean by that?!

Seeing my widened eyes, Khloe spurt out laughing. "I'm totally kidding, you adorable boots!"

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