half / 18

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Did you ever have a feeling of never-ending joy in your heart? That no matter what terrible things come in your way, the enormous bliss is still in you, blooming and soaring in each part of your soul?

Well, I was definitely filled with this unexplainable feeling.

My weekend started at dawn. After that night out at the lake, driving back to the treehouse and then those dramatic confessions, Khloe and I had fallen into sleep with affectionate smiles on our lips, only to be bombarded with a call at five in the morning.

It was my father who was asking me where I was and demanding me to go back home before he calls for a search party. Khloe was worried but I felt odd.

Contentment with no regret— that's how I felt as Khloe drove me back home.

Because damn, it was all worth it. I've got to hear her say she liked me too. My feelings were reciprocated finally and all I wanted to do once I entered our house, was to embrace my parents and tell them how happy I was.

However, it wasn't my scene. Dad was fuming which was understandable. Who would not be raging when you found out that your grounded daughter was able to sneak out from a military-like mansion of her father?

Sad life because it also placed me in a tight spot with my Mom. She was supposed to convince my father to let me go to an art school but given the situation, I unintentionally provoked them again by breaking their rules. Even though Mom had the power to sway him in a blink of an eye, I bet she wouldn't do it for me this time.

And to make it worse, I was refusing to tell them who I was with. And that resulted in house arrest for the entire winter break. Though Christmas was not my thing, still, I wouldn't be able to spend it with Khloe.

Everything was unclear to the point I had no idea what to make of. My parents wanted me to go to medical school even though it was not my passion. Arisa, my best friend, was already planning to travel the whole world with Quinn after we graduate. Bailey? She was unclear herself because we still didn't have any news about Tiana and I knew it was killing her every day. Alec was also planning to study far away.

Khloe was the only certain thing I have for the moment. She was the one who was constantly making me happy and giddy about everything. She was the only person who could stir the butterflies in my stomach and poke the sleeping siren in my heart.

So even though the world was on my shoulder, I still had the capability to crack a smile on my face, especially whenever my mind was filled with thoughts of her. I remembered the admiration on her face when I exposed myself wholly to her and I memorized the moment her face contorted in surprise when I told her about my feelings. They were overwhelmed to the point I wanted to scream lungs out in confidence.

I was glad I could still talk to her. She was a real genius for giving me a god-tool device. My parents wouldn't even suspect anything because I promised myself to be careful.

The entire weekend was a little bit uninteresting. I steeped low due to my parents' behavior towards me. Denying to tell them who I was with, they settled to letting me roam around the house without giving me any kind of attention. It was heart-breaking to realize that we were not like this before. The mansion was always crammed with love and laughter when Cassie was still with us.

However, things changed. It sounded like I was a terrible daughter but they were also not giving me a chance to speak for myself. They left me no choice but to ponder about what they decide for me or how should I act on it.

It was the last week of school before the winter break and once I woke up, I rushed to the school early without giving much thought about breakfast. I was eager to see my bad-ass girl because I missed her so much. We might be talking frequently but seeing her pretty-intimidating face and embracing her warmth were a different story. So I made sure to her the night before that I would come early to school and stay at my studio before the bell rings.

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