half / 4

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"Is this enough?" Khloe asked to Tiana as she gestured her hand out to Timothy. The bastard was knocked out inside an open-rusted container truck. He was blinded with a fabric on his eyes, topless and with a wood ply lynched around his neck. It was labeled 'I am a sinner.'

"I already sent the photos to the school community," Maggie mused as she pointed to the dummy phone she was holding.

"And it's not a really good sight," James added with a smirk on his face.

"Tomorrow is going to be eventful," Alec commented, shaking his head.

I sighed, already worn out from this whole prank. I glanced at Tiana and I knew that she was thinking that this wasn't enough. However, she made a promise to Bailey that she wouldn't do anything to lead her in a dangerous situation. Zoey pointed that out once she realized that her best friend didn't want to stop beating Timothy. It was the first time I'd seen her like that. To be honest. Girls are wild when they needed to be.

"Time to go home," Xander urged, and the rest of the group agreed due to exhaustion. It wasn't entertaining to watch a mad girl punching a boy so endlessly. It was awfully stressful and odd.

We scattered to fix the messes we made. Khloe made sure that there was no evidence left behind. The masks and coats were sealed back inside the garbage bag. She gave James a task to burn them all, including the dummy phone. Allison and Zoey were at the corner, soothing Tiana down.

Once everything settled, we walked together towards our cars. I didn't bring my Jaguar with me, Khloe demanded to bring it home first because if I left my car at the school, it would be too suspicious. Less transportation, less trouble. We only had Alec's truck, James' Ford and Tiana's black Volkswagen Jetta.

We were meters away from the prank sight and we were lousily walking back to the place where we had parked. The boys led the way while Tiana and the rest were behind them. Khloe and I were on trail when suddenly a voice of the man shouted behind us.

"Damn kids, this is a restricted area!"

"Run!" Khloe yelled and everyone panicked, scurrying away immediately. I would laugh in this situation because they suddenly dashed like they were players of triathlon but we were in big trouble. My parents wouldn't like it if they catch us.

I ran behind them and my heart beat faster due to adrenaline rush. The route back was rock-strewn so it was hard to run at that state. I could hear Khloe running behind me and I could see my friends were already meters away from us. With heavy breath, I sped up my pace only to be heaved by a hand around my wrist.

I was turned unexpectedly and was dragged away from another direction, away from our friends and with this crazy brunette.

"Klo, where are we going?" I whisper-yelled as we slowed our pace and I was worried that the man might capture us.

We stopped under the huge tree and Khloe fished out her phone from her duffel bag, ignoring my question. "Hello, Jet. We're clear. I've got the girl away from the others. Thanks for posing as a threat.... Yeah, he's in the container. Make sure to throw him nice and clean in his way back home. I don't want any problem.... Alright, I'll just send my end of the bargain tomorrow evening."

I gasped in disbelief when she hung up and raked my hand through my hair in distress when she called someone again. "Hey, James... Yeah, we're okay. Hilary is with me. You don't have to worry... I have my car parked nearby so it's settled already. Just give her stuff to Tiana and tell her to just bring it back tomorrow. Thanks."

"What the hell is going on?!" I asked, throwing my arms to emphasize my aggravation once she ended the call.

"Relax," Khloe chuckled. "We're going home. I will drive you home."

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