half / 15

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"I promise, I will make it up to you. Please forgive me, princess," the person who was the reason why I have invisible chains around my feet and who turned my life a bit miserable was kneeling in front of me, earning the attention of all the students in the hallway, making my life more miserable. He was trying to hand out the bouquet of roses and a plush teddy bear to me but I was still frozen at my own place.

I really wanted to blame it all to Alec. It was the easiest for me. Because of him, I was grounded for a whole month. And it meant one modified mobile phone with just a few contacts and one laptop with the custom-built operating system. I wasn't allowed to go anywhere before and after school. My Dad even hired a chauffeur for me to make sure I would follow by his rules.

It was all absurd. I was already a senior and he was treating me like a child.

"Can you please say something?" Alec insisted, standing on his feet with a heavy sigh.

Ignoring the buzzing of the people around us, I narrowed my eyes to Alec in exasperation. "Why would you do that anyway? Was it really important for you to talk to me that you sneak into my room without telling me first?"

He made a face of guilt and regret. He looked like a puppy despite the strong feature of his handsome face. "N-Not really," he said lowly. "It's just Xander need some help from you and he wants me to ask you if you're willing to help, that is."

"Xander?" I uttered in confusion. "I don't understand."

"Just accept this first, please. I'll explain it to you. It was just I came into your room at a wrong time and I don't want to happen it again. Seriously, your Dad is a devil incarnate," he stated, pushing the flowers and toy to me which I eventually accepted.

At the same time, a certain brunette was heading towards our spot. Immediately, my mood brightened. However, her eyes dropped at the items in my hands, then her gaze shifted to Alec then she glanced at me for a brief second before turning right the hallway, away from us without even giving me a smile.

Dammit! She seemed upset with me. I had no idea why. Was it because of Alec? Because the items in my hands were indicating that I was in a prospect of romantic possibilities with this man in front of me? I confirmed to her that I had no intention of involving myself in any romantic relationship which contradicting to what she had witnessed. So she must be thinking I lied to her. Well, of course, I lied! Because the truth is, I sought to have a romantic relationship... only with her. That's it! I had no care and shame anymore. I would just let things go out of control for the reason that I couldn't control them anymore.

However, it seemed impossible that she got upset with me because of Alec. It looked like she was more concern about why I stood her up yesterday.

I supposed to meet her at the tree house but because I was grounded and I couldn't reach her or anyone through any device, I wasn't able to inform her. I was hoping Quinn would tell her about what happened but it appeared like she didn't even mention it to her sister.

Jeez, the only way to find out was to ask Quinn and if she really had failed to even mention it to her sister, then I should talk to Khloe right away to give her my explanation. I didn't want her to think that I backed out from my art.

Setting aside the conflict at hand, I turned to Alec, seeking to know the truth. "You don't have to explain, Alec. Just tell me what you want, what Xander wants from me," I rephrased.

There was a hint of a skirmish in his dark eyes but spoke anyway, "Ry, this is going to be weird but Xander wants you to help him to get through Khloe. He really likes her and I think he's truly serious about her. They're dating, yeah? But the problem is, not exclusively. I mean Xander told me Khloe is stubborn and a closed off person and he can't get through her even if they're dating for almost two months now. Can you believe that?"

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