Chapter #3

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~•3rd POV•~
It has been a week since Percy left New York, and he has had a pretty peaceful trip. When he left his mom's
house he got on a train that would take him to Canada. On his train ride he saw a few monsters such as. Drakons, dracaena, laestrygonians, etc.. but none of them attacked him.

When the train reached Canada he got off and went to get some food. He walked through Quebec looking for some fast food. He stopped when he saw a McDonald's he practically ran to it. He hadn't eaten anything except for crappy train food for a full week, and he longed for some real food, fast food or otherwise.

After his finished eating he decided to explore a bit. He walked around the city until he found an ad for the Alberta Glacier National Park. It was winter so the glaciers would be fully frozen. After debating it for a few minutes he decided to go and visit there to try and find some peace.

He went to the train station and bought tickets to the city Calgary, then he would get to the national park by taxi. Thankfully before he left New York he grabbed $5000 for the trip, so money wasn't a problem, yet.

It took a few days to get to the national park. The trip was long and uneventful. When Percy got out of the taxi at the parking area for the national park he was restless, itching for a fight. He decided to start hiking towards the glaciers.

He started on a path that let to a valley with a crystal blue lake. Percy was in awe at the sight. Sure he had seen many beautiful nature spots on quests, but he was always to rushed to properly look at them. Now, though, he had all he time in the world.

He walked over to a cliff edge and sat down meditation style and took in the sight. It was extremely relaxing just sitting there with the cold breeze blowing threw his hair, and to sweet cent of the lake below him. After half an hour he was getting fidgety, because of his ADHD. He decided to try and meditate for the first time. He closed his eyes and started taking deep breaths.

Due to the cold air he was shivering. He wasn't wearing proper winter cloths, but instead a t-shirt and jeans. He tried to focus on stopping his shivering. After a minute or two of concentrating he stopped shivering. After he stopped shivering it seamed to get colder, making it harder to keep himself from shivering.

He continued concentrating on not shivering, when he realized if he increases his body heat he will stop shivering. He remembered when he was on Olympus after Annabeth accepted immortality, when she came over to him in Hera's Garden. He was so mad he was literally heating up. He started thinking on everything that made him angry. All of the times people threaten his family, all of the times he watched his family and friends get killed, all of the monsters who kill innocent people, when Annabeth left him. As he was thinking about these things he began to warm up. He got to the point where he was getting hot when he decided to stop.

When he cooled down he decided he was going to start meditating daily to get control of his emotions. When he could control them, he would be able to control his body on a new level.

~•~•~•~•~•~•Time Skip•~•~•~•~•~•~
It had been a month since Percy started meditating to control his emotions. It seemed this counted as a battle technique because he was able to pick it up quickly, thanks to Ares blessing.

One day while Percy was meditating on his cliff he heard a scream for help. He immediately shot up looking for the origin of the scream. He looked around till he noticed some trees rustling. He new that nothing other than monsters could be big enough to move trees like that. He started running top speed towards the monster.

When he caught up he saw a group of 5 laestrygonians chasing a little girl around the age of 8. He pulled out riptide and flicked off it's cap. His three foot long bronze sword sprung to life. He instantly shot into battle in an attempt to protect the little girl.

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