Chapter #6

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~•3rd POV•~
It had been a year since Percy started his wilderness survival class in Australia, and he was one of the only three students from the starting ten. It was to difficult for the other seven, so they took a helicopter back to the city.

The three that made it back were more physically fit than when they left. They all had learned and experienced a lot in the year long trip. They all learned how to start a fire, build a camp, and hunt for food with their bare hands.

Percy excelled above the other two, and could do all three in under and hour, rather than the couple hours it took the others. His instructor was both impressed and curious of how he could do so well. He became more curious when they were attacked by a group of wild animals(monsters) and Percy dispatched them all in under a minute.

While on the trip Percy would practice his powers in secret, so he wouldn't get rusty. He didn't learn any new abilities, not that he could, but he greatly increased his insurance while using his powers. He could at this point drain all of the water from a chunk of the forest and convert it into ice, then vapor, then back to water. He then would return all of the water to the forest. It was extremely draining. When he first tried he almost passed out, but by the end of the year he could do it multiple times without breaking a sweat.

His physical stamina also drastically increased. He could sprint a marathon sized distance, then run back. While he wasn't at his physical peak, he was pretty darn close.

When the three students and the instructor got back to the city they all went their separate ways. Most of them had grown pretty close, but Percy distanced himself. He knew he wouldn't see them ever again, so he tried not to get to attached to them.

When Percy left the group he went to the beach to think of what to do next. He thought about returning, but he wanted to finished his training completely before he went back. While he had mastered almost all combat skills, he wasn't at his physical peek. His stamina was great, but his strength could be better.

After a while he decided he was going to train his strength. He wouldn't go to a gym, because it wouldn't be nearly enough to increase his strength. He decided he was going to do his strength training on the bottom of the sea. All of the way at the bottom, he was going the the Mariana Trench. He was a son of Poseidon, so he could stand a lot of water pressure, but the bottom of the Mariana Trench would still push him to his limits.

Percy grabbed all of his stuff and walked towards the water. When he reached the end of the beach, where the waves meet the sand, he kept walking. He kept walking till he was completely submerged. He hid his godly aura, so he wouldn't give away his position, then he used the water around him to propel himself forwards.

He shot himself strait to the Mariana Trench. When he was at the top of the trench he could already feel the pressure, and it was a lot. He got into a meditative position and let himself sink to the bottom. On the way down he made a mental map of the trench by sensing where the walls were with his water powers. He sensed a few creatures from fish to monsters, but they all kept their distance. At this distance, even with him masking his aura, they could sense he was powerful.

When he hit the bottom he opened his eyes and tried to stand up. The key word in that sentence is tried, the water pressure was so much that he couldn't stand up. The pressure is 1000x that of sea level, making it excruciatingly hard to move.

After hours of trying he was finally able to stand up. He vowed to himself that he would stay here till he could handle the pressure like it he was on the surface. When he stood up he was sore, after hours of fighting extreme pressure he was already tired. He decided to go into a death trance for a month to help his body to adjust to the new pressure.

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