Chapter #12

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~•3rd POV•~
Percy woke up to the feeling of something soft in his lips. He opened his eyes and was met by the flaming eyes of Hestia. He softly kissed her back and rolled over, till he was on top of her. Hestia giggled as Percy rolled on top of her. Percy just smiled and snuggled into her and closed his eyes.

Hestia continued giggling as she tried to get Percy off of her. "Percy it's time to get up, you have to train the campers soon." Hestia said while trying to push Percy off of her. Percy just groaned and hugged her harder saying, "5 more minutes."

After a few minutes of struggling Hestia finally got out from under Percy. Percy just laid there not wanting to get up. He hadn't slept in years, so he wasn't used to waking up. Hestia frowned at Percy not getting up. She thought about how to get him up for a minute before an idea came to her. She snapped her fingers and a platter of blue cookies appeared in her hands.

Percy smelled the cookies and shot up, making Hestia laugh. Percy stood up and stretched before walking over to Hestia. He went and hugged her from behind and kissed her softly. As he kissed her he slowly reached for a cookie. Hestia noticed this and slapped his hand away, making him whine. "No cookies till you take a shower." She said strictly. Percy hung his head and went to the bathroom muttering, "Yes mom."

Half an hour later Percy walked out of the bathroom ready to start training for the day. As he walked out he noticed Hestia sitting on a bed humming a song to herself. Percy sat next to her and pulled her onto his lap. She leaned her head on his chest and sighed in content. Percy sat there with Hestia as he ate cookies Hestia made.

They were broken out of their own world when they heard the conch horn blow three times, signaling an attack. They both rushed to half-blood hill, to see what was happening. When they got there they saw an army of well over ten thousand monsters led by a woman in all black.

The woman was about 5"8 with pale skin and pure yellow eyes. She was wielding a golden scythe, with a 2 foot long blade. She was wearing a black cloak that only showed her hands and head.

The woman walked toward the demigod army. She walked till she was about fifty feet from the front lines. "I would like to speak to Perseus Jackson." She said to the crowd. Percy kissed Hestia's cheek and walked up too the cloaked woman.

"I am Perseus Jackson, who might you be?" Percy said once he was about ten feet from her. The woman pulled back her hood, revealing long pitch black hair. "I am Eris, goddess of discord and strife, daughter of Nyx." She said smirking, as if expecting everyone to run in fear. Percy just raised an eyebrow and said, "Never heard of you, it's nice to meet you though."

Eris was furious, they hadn't heard of her, well she was going to make them remember her forever, by destroying their camp. She stormed back to her army and prepared to charge. Percy just rolled his eyes and walked back to the demigods.

When Percy got back to the demigods Athena walked up to him. "Percy, we don't have enough warriors, even with you their army is too much for us." Athena said in concern. Percy just raised an eyebrow and said, "Do you trust me?" Athena nodded  her head and replied, "Yes, everyone trusts you, but how are we going to win?" Percy raised his hand and the Canoe lake began to float. Percy then moved his hand forward and a forth of the lake moved to each side of the demigod army. Percy then clenched his fist and the water turned into armies of ice warriors. There were about a thousand warriors on each side, making it 4 to 1 odds, in the enemies favor.

Percy simply looked at Athena with an eyebrow raised and asked, "Does this help even the odds?" She looked around in amazement before saying, "Yes, yes it does." She walked off leaving a smirking Percy. Hestia walked up and saw Percy smirking and smacked him upside the head. "Ow, what was that for?" Percy whined. Hestia just rolled her eyes and replied, "That was for being a show off, now you had better get ready, they look to be charging."

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