Chapter 12

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"Who are you." I said fierce after I gained some strength after awhile.
"Moonlight it's me Tim."
"Tim?" I said in a happy voice moving close to the door. He has a black cloak hiding his face but I can see it clearly now since he pulls down his hood holding up a candle close to his face. "What's taking you so long to save me?"
"I'm so sorry princess it's just that your father-"
"What about him?" I said sourly.
"There's so much chaos back home. Since your father left you behind the whole pack is mad but they also knew they couldn't or he couldn't do anything. He's still healing and whenever anybody asks about you he shuts them up."
"So what your saying is...he hasn't been planning to rescue me anytime soon?" I said as I started feeling a list of hope.
"No I don't think so; he has many problems right now. Also not just only about you, his words."
Something inside of me turned into ice. Like my heart stopped. I was mad. Turning serious. Of course he do this. "So how about you?" I said in a commanding voice something I never used. But I was tired and just pissed off by everybody.
"I sneeked here to come and save you I am your royal guard."
"How about the others."
"There scared of your father since they don't want to be on his bad side."
I cursed under my breathe. "You know what I'm so tired of everybody thinking I'm nothing. Well you know I have a plan but we need my two other royal guards more people the better." I said in a evil smile
"Princess are you okay? What did they do to you?"
      I gave him a hard stare. "Nothing. Now here's the plan."

-Wedding day-
    I opened my eyes staring at the dim cell. Being in the cell Tim managed to sneak in food for me to eat. Also Samuel was trying to burn me with metal as I didn't reply to his words. He managed to get me on my left leg the burn mark still there. But it didn't matter anymore. Today was the day my plan would come into action. I smiled.
    I heard a guard come. I saw that it was the same guy that had a scar on his lip. "Wake up!" He said fiercely.
     I snarled softly. I got up and started to play the helpless girl I was before to hid my new attitude. I walked up to the door. He opened it and pushed me out again. Since my back was to him I got mad but just turned and said,"Hey, again?!" I said annoyed.
      "Shut up." I followed him up the stairs. He stopped in front of the room where they did my physical change. He opened the door and I saw only two people this time the nice oldest lady as this time she had a white shirt and pants with a light brown sweater in top, and another women who was younger and had more style in her clothing. I was kind of surprised that the other 4 females weren't here but that's a good sign; I guess, the plan is working.
He pushed me in and closed the doors. I walked up to the same old nice lady. I showed I was scared again which I really wasn't but really just slightly nervous. Which caused the old lady to comfort me.
She looked into my eyes her expression changed as I can see she sensed my change. "You know I do know a girl like you should never go through this. I know it's hard but you have to choose who you want to be. The sweet girl or the rude girl. Don't be someone your not." For a second my eyes soften at her words. But I returned back.
"I'm good lady." She put her head down but walked with the other lady to get my dress. I can see through one of the windows they are having a hard time preparing everything. Like the measurements weren't correct. Thank goodness I told Tim to change something's but it's still the beginning Of my plan. I smirked for a second.
It took 30 minutes for them to finsh dressing me and everything. I have a white mermaids dress that makes me look neat. It was an okay dress but still again not really me. I would've gone with lace.
     I heard a knock on the door to find it was Cameron who opened the doors. He looked at me in the room. "Moonlight come Sammael wants to see you."
    I was surprised he didn't say mate. But I followed that sweet smell of his. When I walked up to him he lead me out of the castle where not to far away was the forest. He looked at me.  As it was just him and me. "Go and run away I can buy you some time."
    I looked at him shocked. "What? No. I'm sorry but I can't."
      Then it was his turn to be shocked. "You mean you do want to marry him. He is a really bad boy and I mean it he-"
     I stopped him holding my hand out in front of him. "Trust me I already figured that out." I said bringing my hand to my face and touching the cheek he slapped I closed my eyes.
      Cameron touched my hand softly.  When I open my eyes I saw his worried face. I shook his hand off and went back to being serious. "I'm fine anyway I have unfinished business, there are some things I need to do. So that is why I can't run like the little girl I once was." I showed my eyes determined to him. Which caused him to get even more worried.
    "Now if you would excuse me I have to go." And just like that I left him there dumbfounded.
       While I walked I saw the king and walked up to him. He looked at me shocked. "Who is watching you?"
      "No one."
      "Did you run away."
      "No by the way when is the wedding going to start."
       "If you think it's about you you are dead wrong just remember what it would do to your precious father."
       I laughed in my head. Right he still thinks I care about him well he has another thing coming. But I just put my head down acting out my sadness. Which made the king smile. What a fool. He called one of his guards to watch me.
-3 hours later-
      There they all were the eastern pack sitting down and ready for the bride to show. I smiled, in no time, the biggest surprise of all will happen and not just with me refusing to kiss him.
       The nice old lady looked at me. "Are you ready?"
        "Yes I am. By the way what is your name." I said as I was tired of calling her old lady.
"My name is Azul."
"Ok Azul well I should be walking now I can hear the music starting." I started to walk away and while I saw all the people looking at me it seemed as if time stopped. But I still knew I was walking forward showing a blank face. I don't want anybody to read my expression. As I was finally in front of sammael he gave me a smile. But I still had the same face showing. As the priest was starting to asking what our vows were, there the explosives came. Each one by one.
Yes I thought in my head it's time to ruin this wedding and then run back to my pack. There the pack was running away but finding another explosive in their face or a couple inches away.
I started to run away pretending to be in panic while Sammael started to escape with his tux getting messed up with the dust flying around so with everyone.
With the smoke now crawling up into the air it was hard to see the things in front of you. But also before I could go I turned into my wolf wolf form with my dress ripping. My fur was now red with hints of my gray whitish color. I snarled not really liking the color of my fur. Why did my red hair would affect my wolf form? I ran to sammael but found Tim next to the table near the forest.
"Moonlight lets go." He said worried and in a rush.
"Wait I have to get back at Sammael first."
"No it's too risky please come."
I thought about it. But then just gave up. "Fine." When I started to run to him as Tim went into his brown yellowish wolf form I felt some one on top of me.
When I looked it was Sammael looking at me mad then put his head down and bite my neck as I started to scream as the blood fell making me weak. And with my blury vision I can see one of the pack has Tim down to.

Author: Wow so many cliffhangers in my stories. I'm surprised by myself. Anyway until next time. Thanks for reading.

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