Chapter 26

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I waited outside of my white mansion as I twisted a strand of my hair waiting for the car to come. What's taking so long all I asked for was the car that didn't drag the most attention.
The small black car pulled up in front of me as I saw the driver get out and walk around the other side as he opened my back door.
"Sorry to keep you waiting alpha kalista it's just there were so many keys that I had to find the right ones."
"That's okay just keep better track." I said going inside as he nodded his head and closed the door. The windows were tinted making sure nobody could see the inside of the car. The car drove swiftly as I looked outside. There were so many wolves now that it is time I pick my own beta but once I come back. I have to make sure I come back to my pack as fast as I can.
The trees were so alive and tall with barely a cloud in the sky. My driver drove out of my pack line so that way I was no longer in my territory. About 5 miles more Alex stopped suddenly as there was no road or anything.
"Thank you Alex. I need you to stay her until I come back."
"If you mind me asking what is it you do here this has been the 3rd time you came here."
"Something's that don't concern you and which you should never tell anyone you drive me here."
"Yes alpha." He said bowing his head down. I got out of the car as he opened up the door. I sprayed a special perfume to hide my scent as I went behind a tree and turned into my wolf. I grabbed my clothes in my mouth as I proceed to run. I ran 2 more miles easily but carefully as I was near another pack. I didn't want to go by myself as my white wolf would attract attention.
As I arrived at the small wooden house with slight smoke coming out of the chimmy I quickly changed back putting on my clothes.
I knocked on the wood door as it opened revealing an elderly man with blue eyes and gray hair. His clothes sagging and some parts ripped but was content with what he had. Always treasuring everything.
He put a warm smile on his face as he opened his arms inviting me to a hug which I did in return.
"It's so good to see you princess Moonlight. Come in." He said as I followed him inside the house. His house was vintage having caramel walls as it had lots of old paintings and artifacts. The living room looked small but enough for one person to live in as it has a small green couch.
"Grandpa it's so good to see you." I said with a warm smile. He so nice to me I could see where my mom got the gentle and caring side. To bad my grandma is dead or then I would be able to meet her today.
"Oh it's been so long look how much you grown." He then paused looking at me sadly. "So what was your decision."
"Well I chose the second way. I am now the official alpha as everyone calls me alpha kalista and I found my mate but we don't really spend time. I have just been busy. Also that the shadow pack took a member of my pack." I also told him about my kidnap with the south pack and how they are now in my pack. And what happened to my father on how I became official.
"I see so it's been hard."
"Yes it has but whatever that the path I chose that's much better than the other one don't you think?"
"It's whatever you decide."
"I least in the other choice I would've never left and still been weak and had to face my fate much later."
I put my hand down looking at my hands.
"Listen," I looked at his blue eyes. "You need to be careful. I sense danger."
"There's always danger especially since I am the white wolf."
"Yes but try to be wise with your decisions."
"What should I do?"
"Find as much information as you can, let your mate help you. You can't do this alone."
"Why don't you move to my pack you don't have to be a rouge anymore. I'm in charge." I said pleading to him.
"We had this conversation before, I don't trust your father. And I'm sorry you have to deal with him but there's nothing I can do," then he said low even though I could hear him. "Trust me I tried. He's a bad man." He said trying to pretend as though he wasn't talking about my dad. As though he was a bit scared in his eyes.
"Then I would provide protection."
He tried to relaxed his face but only showed a forlorn face. "I can't. Please understand." He said trying to get it through my head.
"Fine." I said a bit harsh. "So tell me what are my two paths this time."
He took a sip of tea. "You can either be free or be chained for life in a path you pick. Suffer or breathe to your extend."
"Chain or free. Is this about the east pack controlling me or something."
"That's for you to choose."
"Of course you say that and of course I want the free pack." I then took a deep breathe." I better leave Alex is waiting for me."
"By the way you have changed a lot kalista. Are you going to dye your hair back to its original color."
I got a strand of hair," I never thought of that but now that you said it." I paused then continued. "No I'm not, I'm going to leave it there to remind me of my struggle, to remind myself to get stronger. Of course when my hair grows back then I have to cut the red but for now it stays."
"Good answer. Well then goodbye." He said as he walked to the door and left it open for me. "Goodbye grandpa thank you."
"By the way I know I asked you before but are you sure I can't get you fresh new clothes. It's practically easy."
"No thanks I like to wear these for memories to." He said still smiling. I smiled to as I walked behind a tree and stripped as I turned into my wolf running as then I changed back dressing and climbing into the car.
      "Let's go Alex." He started the car and drove.
      I arrived back to my pack as I was meeted with my royal guards. "Kalista where were you?" Said Noah.
      "Handing something. Is something wrong?"
      "Well besides from your mate waking up and the whole thing with the eastern pack it's time to bury Ethan in the cemetery."
     "Oh." I then spoke lower. "Oh I see."
      "So when were do you want to put him?" Said tim.
    "I want to put him in the royal guards section of course. He deserves that. I will tell Sam anyway."
     "You want Sam to do it. Well okay then." Said tim a little bugged by it. Sam is my organizer. Usually she is so busy making sure everything is up to date around the pack.
    "Okay were is Ethan's body."
"In the body room."
4 hours later
Tim, Noah, some of Ethan's family and I saw the priest speak words I didn't really understand as the two muscular wolves put Ethan's casket carefully inside the ground as they started to cover it up with dirt.
I held the thorn roses in my hand tightly as the thorns went inside my skin causing me to bleed as my skin instantly healed.
"And now say your words you want spoken."said the priest.
"Big brother I miss you." Said Ethan's little sister Tammy as she burst into tears holding herself as her mom started to hug her crying also. The father was clenching his fist as he held a necklace. While tim just stared as Noah did.
I realized no one said anything more as they were done burying him I put the bloody flowers down. "Ethan I hope your going to be fine. To a better place were your happy and safe." I said feeling as though it was a weak speech. The priest nodded his head in approval. As he started to leave so did the two other wolves.
"Goodbye old pal." Said Tim.
"Bye my trusted friend." Said Noah as he dropped the knife down .We all looked at him. "He told me to do that he said it meant a lot to him."
"That's the knife I gave him." Said Ethan's father as he dropped the necklace in. Tammy and her mother threw in the flowers.
For the rest of the time we said our goodbyes and were slient.
Ethan's mother walked to me with teary eyes. "Thank you alpha kalista for doing this."
"Of course." I said as I started walking back. I walked as Tim and Noah seemed as though they didn't notice me going but I didn't say anything to them.
It's time to visit my mate now. I want to make things right again.

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