Chapter 18

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"Where is she?! I thought I made orders for you to take care of her for the time being." King Axton said. "Yes I know you are worried for your daughter moonlight but she will be back. You know how she loves to wonder." said the beta with a stoic face having brown eyes and hair with a small beard. As he was the guard for now to take careful watch of moonlight.      
"Yes, Vixen I know but this time I have a really good guess on who got her out. As you said you feel asleep ever since you drank the drink Tim gave you." The king thought of the things to happen but as he was about to stand up from his chair with him being in the throne room bombs and screams can be heard outside. And from that moment it was already easy to tell who made that plan of attack. "Call all the guards immediately it seems as though my sworn enemy has finally paid us a visit. And this time I play for real. If he thinks I was playing the hardest the first time he has another thing coming." the king said with a evil smile forming on his face.                                          "Yes king." Vixen said as he started to run outside as he turned into a dark brown wolf howling as the battle wolves came quickly besides him ready to fight the eastern pack. As the king too now confident as he turned into his black wolf ready to fight the enemy for a true battle.

-Back to Kalista's view
It smelt as if something  were burning in the air I turned to look at the direction thanks to my sense of smell I feel the bomb hit the ground causing an explosion much bigger than the ones I had at the wedding as some fire came out burning some houses. And that was just the first bomb. I looked at Tim and it was clear to see that we both had the same worried and serious face as our wolves wanted to come out. We communication in silence already agreeing on what to do. We turned into wolves ripping our clothes along with it but our backpacks still on and running towards my white mansion but another bomb came down causing me and Tim to fall down the ground. We quickly got up as now the smoke and fire was in the air. I smelt all of the eastern wolves and of course I smelled my mate. He wasn't too far away. Actually none of them were, causing me to get even more worried. What would we do its not like I could show myself but-?"
      I felt weight on me as I was pushed to the ground, and when I looked it was Cameron. "Are you okay? Do you know how worried I was for you. You know I saw you in the forest but more I smelled your-"                          
       "What are you doing?" I said pissed off. "First I didn't even accept you as my mate. I have no time for this; can't you see-" Another bomb exploded causing Cameron to fall right on me. I pushed him off using my legs and quickly got up as I saw Tim growl at him.                       
"Listen Moonlight don't-"  but I cut him off again.                                                           
      "First, my name is Kalista and I have no time for this," I said as I started to go into a run as Tim was behind me. As I tried to ignore the mouthwatering smell.                                                                             
   "I heard him he wants you dead and to skin you, then show it to everyone so he can become the alpha of the north and eastern pack again." I stopped running and stared at him. "I already know about that story." I half lied I didn't know that he wanted to skin me. "I have to go and you can't stop me." I said as I started running but I heard Cameron say under his breathe "Sorry" and there they were 5 other wolves now surrounding me and Tim and slowly walking to us closing in the circle. Two blacks wolves, three grays and one brown. "Why are you doing this?" I scream at him but he doesn't reply instead stays quiet as the 5 wolfs are only paying attention to the prey.
No I can't be stopped by 6 wolves. I grew peevish at myself but then I saw Tim, his face looked determined not losing hope at how mine was. He was willing to fight. What type of alpha am I. That's it I'm sick and tired of this. I am an Alpha. "I am only warning you once leave." I said in my alpha voice which caused them to almost obey but I wasn't their alpha and they shook it off and started to laugh showing their pointy teeth. 'Do you honestly think that would work?" the female wolf with brown and hints of black fur said showing me her teeth as if I was a delicious snack. It would only take 4 minutes to arrive at the white mansion where I could see as the meat house was right behind me and on the right my home. My dad and some of his pack fighting. But I couldn't tell who was winning. I still needed to fix this right now. I wonder where my two other guards are right now? I look around trying to find a solution when suddenly another bomb came near us causing two wolves a black and gray, to get extremely hurt as they both collapsed on the ground as the other wolves including me and Tim to get all worried. As we all came crashing down as some fire came on some of the wolves fur even mine but I quickly got it off before it could burn any more of my fur. I was kind of glad that bomb came as it did help me but at the same time it was still close enough to kill me. With the dark smoke surrounding around us it gave me an advantage to kill my enemies faster and easier. As I ran to my enemies and started to kill them just as Tim was. A black wolf that was smaller than me as my alpha size was bigger than a normal wolves, got my leg in his mouth as I was trying hard not to scream and suddenly by instinct got a hold of his neck drawing blood and ended up killing the black wolf.
It felt as if it were silence for a second until the same brown wolf turned and saw me as she was attacking Tim. "You killed my brother you monster," she said enraged as she snarled at me and charged at me not letting me get enough time to ground myself as she got on top of me scratching my face as crimson blood came down my check and forehead as she was trying to grab my neck with her teeth exactly how I killed her brother but I used my paws to hold her back and kick her in the stomach as I sent her flying 3 feet in the air as she bumped into a tree staying their trying to regain her energy to stand up.        With all the fighting it was just Cameron, Tim, and I, now as I looked worse than him. The blood slightly falling to the ground as me and Tim pant hard. I couldn't decided to kill Cameron he was my mate and something inside of me was telling me not to kill him but I guess it's just my wolf side.
     "Princess moo- I mean Kalista I didn't mean-" he said worry clearly in his voice.
      "Save it." I growled. "I'm not going to attack you; as you did try to help me before." I said just remembering what he did for me.
      "I didn't mean to... you see I thought it would be better for them to..." he faded in his sentence as I kept giving him a warning look.
"Let's go Tim." I said as I got the backpack that was ripped from me with my mouth as Tim followed behind me. Tim followed as Cameron just stayed there not knowing what to do as the 5 wolves were either wounded or killed. I ran even though the pain filled my body but I was to focus on the battle ahead as I saw my pack or should I say Ravana and Axton fighting one on one but this time seemed different it's as though Axton(moonlight's dad) got more power as though he was hiding it. When I was about to be there I heard a faint sound call my name as I heard Noah call my name. When I turned my head a few feet to where Axton was, I saw Noah starring at me as though it seemed that the wolf in front of him was Ethan on the ground pouring red as the wolves were everywhere not letting him through. And by the look on Noah's face you could tell that Ethan was dead and so was he, going to be soon.

  Blake: So tell me do you like it or do you want Ethan to be alive?

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