Chapter 28

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I brought my beta, gamma, and a couple of my battle wolves in the meeting room. The table was wide able to fit everyone with a seat even with 2 seats left over still. I sat in the far end of my leather black chair as my beta was left of me and my gamma on my right side.
"Listen everyone it's time to fight back and get one of our new members from the pack back. Sure we know that alpha Hunter's pack has badly injured our 6 wolves from our pack but they knew we were coming and had a plan of attack. So I have assembled all you here to come up with a plan to enter in the alphas pack without the use of many man getting hurt." I said confidently.
My beta spoke. "We have of course gotten a letter of warning seeing as how he said the 'game has already begun.' So we must be very careful of our next moves we come up."
"And we know you had some experience with that pack which is why there is a chance we can win." Said my gamma.
"But there just to fast." A battle wolf said named Dominic the leader not Vixten anymore. But of course I was still higher up than him.
"We all know that, but just remember we have to let this madness stop. So if anyone has an idea of how to attack just speak." No one spoke. I sighed.
"Well then hear mines out. And pay attention because I will only say this once."

-45 mintinues later-

The two groups separated so I was in the first group. of course my beta went with the other group making it look like I have one group. We were offically inside the shadow moon pack. The place looked like it had a lot of black paint added to their houses. It was clean around but with no cloud in the morning sky we tried to go in as quickly as possible. We headed towards Hunter's house as my men were struggling to keep up with me. They all turned into wovles but me as they and so did I try to hide our scents.

The buildings gave us a little more of an advange as they were tall and bold but of course in some pack there are still some of those spots that looked poor. I tied my hair back into a ponytail as I wore the blackest clothes I could find knowing already that I would end up ripping them up anyway. I smelt the alpha's house not far away. It's a surprise they haven't found us already but I guess the special perfume really is working better than I thought.

There were lots of Hunter's pack walking around as if nothing bad was going on. I saw Hunter's mansion sliver with some outlined of black. His garden was tripped perfectlly but no flowers or trees. His mansion looked a bit bigger than mine but still not as expensive as my house is.

"Okay everyone be careful. We are about to enter in the alpha's house." I whispered. They nodded as there teeth were showing as their salvia were threatly falling to the ground. Almost like hungry animals. I tried running in the shawdows as I reached the alphas door did I brake the door knob as my wolves attacked the 3 guards that were outside before they could turn into wovles.

I walked in slowly as I didn't see Hunter. Only opened up to the throne room. That had red covered walls with fabric. In order to get to the royal chair did you have to climb a couple of stairs that really did represent a true monarchy. It honestly looked better than mine. As the statues looked made out of gold and maybe some sliver.

"Where are you?" I looked around and as I did wovles started to come from around the room there growling a death tthreat. I didn't see the alpha yet but I'm guessing he wanted to make a special entrance.

"Attack." said the general from their pack. They quickly hurried trying to waste no time as they went into battle. I still stayed in my human form as I got a sword and hit the wolves sending them towards the wall as you heard some of their bones crack. I didn't turn into my wolf. I just couldn't not yet, at least.

"Alpha Kalista turn into your wolf." my gamma said as he was trying to defeat a brown wolf.

"Not yet."

"Trust me. your not going to have enoug-"

"Not yet!" I said angily as I hit another wolf ending his life right there and then. I didn't know what was wrong with me but I felt mad. Really mad and I just couldn' help myslef.

"That's right white wolf get mad." said hunter as he was next to the royal chair as if he was enjoying the show. He looked musclar with a square like face and icy blue eyes that seemed deep and hard at the same time. With a smirk that said it all.

I looked at him. He slowly started to walk down the stairs as though not afraid if he might get hurt but intrested. As a flying wolf was about to hit him he smacked the wolf as the wolf smashed to the ground as blood stained the rug. The wolves growled and fought but at the same time were also trying to pay attention to Hunter.

"Alpha Kalista right. You look so much weaker than I thought you be." I tighten my eyebrows in fury. Standing tall.

"You know you lost this battle right. Did you honestly think I didn't see right through your little plan."

"Oh don't worry I know."

'You know that I caught that other group of yours that was trying to rescue the girl I first kidnapped."

"What?" I said he wasn't supposed to know but maybe-

"I'm surprised you haven't noticed your beta trying to contact you."

'Kalista in trouble they caught us we are in the dungeon.' said Tim's voice in my head. I guess I didn't concentrate or I just didn't want to listen to anybody that I wasn't able to make his message through.

"Now then let the fun begin. Drop it!" He yelled.

"Drop it?" I whispered confused. All of a sudden his wolves pushed my wolves to the wall as I heard the sound of something coming down and as I looked up the sliver cage dropped on top of me. "And of course that is not all." He held something in his hands that looked like an injection."Want to know what is inside?" he waited but I didn't speak. "It's wolves bane. But of course I uped the power on it making it more life threatening. Now turn into your white wolf and show me your power!"

I really did feel like a caged bird. I touched the handles trying to open it only to cause a burning sansation to my hands. What do I do now?

Blake- and there is a new chapter guys. Your almost close to the end. Hope you liked that cliffhanger.

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