Chapter 10

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"Daddy I don't wanna go outside," I whine. One of the down sides at this school is that the lockers are outside. "Kailee what have learned from all this?" Daddy asks a cocky smile on his face. "No sugar four bed," I groan pushing down my sunglasses.

I rest my head on my his shoulder trying to block my eyes from the sun. When I eat to much sugar I don't sleep all night. Audrey hasn't been very happy that most if not all of daddy's attention has been focused on me today. But I get very whiney and moody when I'm tired.

Daddy walks outside over to his locker with Audrey not far behind him. I whimper against his shoulder all he does is rub my back. "Do you think they actually paid for those?" Audrey asks tugging Daddy's arm to get his attention. I whine no longer feeling his hand rubbing my back.

"She did it to Jane's hair, too, and Fairy Godmother's not happy about it." Audrey complains, I bite my tongue to refrain from saying anything.

"What's the harm?" Daddy shrugs. Honestly there's no harm. I do however care about Jane, I am still mad that Mal changed Jane. Ever since Jane got her hair done she's been acting different.

"It's gateway magic! Sure, it starts with the hair. Next thing you know it's the lips and the legs and the clothes and then everybody looks good and then...where will I be?" Audrey worries, daddy rolls his eyes.

"Listen, Audrey--" Daddy starts only for Audrey to interrupt.  "I will see you at the game after my dress-fitting for the coronation, okay?" Audrey asks seriously. Daddy nods, "okay."

"Bye Bennyboo," Audrey says before kissing daddy on the cheek and leaving. "Bye," Daddy says quietly after she'd already left.

"Hey, Bennyboo!" Mal teases. "Hey," daddy greets turning around. I snicker lightly as she uses his pet name. "I just made a batch of cookies. Double chocolate chip, do you want one?" Mal asks. I crane my next to see her holding up a bag with a single cookie. That doesn't look like a batch, and how are they still fresh? She made them last night.

"Oh, I, uh, I've got a big game. I don't eat before a big game. But thank you so, so much. I'm sure Kailee would like one but she's off sugar for awhile. Thank you. Next Time." Daddy explains starting to walk away.

"No, yeah. I completely understand." Mal starts, Daddy stops and turns to face her. "Be careful of treats offered by kids of villains." She starts, daddy shakes his head. "No, no, no," he tries. "No, I'm sure every kid in Auradon knows that." Mal continues, she's up to something.

"No, that's not it. No, no, no, I...I really do...." Daddy tries again pointing with one arm to the tourney field. "No, I get it. You're cautious. That's smart. Oh, well, more for me, I guess." Mal finishes bringing the cookie towards her mouth.

"No, no. Hey--" Daddy snatches it from her still holding me. "See that? Totally trust you." He says between chews. Wow, great prince manners talking with your mouthful. "Totally," he repeats.

"How are they?" Mal asks expectantly. "They're good. They're great! They're amazing! They're, uh...I mean, they're chewy and, and you know, they--is that walnuts? I love walnuts." Daddy laughs rambling on about the cookie. Is this what I sounded like last night while I was hyped up on sugar.

"I mean, uh, you know, the...the chocolate...the...the chocolate...the chocolate chips are...I'm sorry. Um...uh. They're...they're warm and soft." Daddy stutters, I slowly begin to feel myself slipping off his arm. "Mal, have you always had those little golden flecks in your eyes?" Daddy asks letting me go. Before I hit the ground Jay catches me. Mal takes the cookie back before he takes another bite.

" How you feeling, bro?" Jay asks holding me to his hip. "I feel...I feel...I feel singing your name." Daddy starts. "Mal, Mal," daddy sings, Mal quickly covers his mouth.

"Daddy?" I ask holding my arms out. I really want him to hold me not Jay. "Daddy uppie," I whine, he doesn't even acknowledge me. "Daddy!" I whine in a shrill voice. Still nothing he just continues to smile at Mal. Jay carries me off with Carlos following behind, Mal and Evie stay behind with daddy.

"No! Jay I wan daddy!" I cry, I'm honestly not in the mood for this today. "Don't worry Kay you'll see him at the game," Jay assures. That's not good enough somethings wrong with daddy. He dropped me then completely ignored me. Somethings really wrong.

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