07 | Porcelain

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*Unrelated gif^ I just found it adorable/hot af*

D A R K O' S P. O. V.

Saturday, February 2nd, 2014   

I needed to tell him. I didn't care about what others had thought anymore.

Weighing out the pros and the cons, it suddenly dawned on me; I would rather hope and pray that Taylor felt the same way than live a depressing life that my parents and other people control. If he didn't return my feelings, I'd at least have that weight off of my shoulders.

I was going to tell Taylor about my feelings on his birthday, which was the week after Lyra's party, then come out to my parents. I wasn't going to say it to his face, oh jeez, definitely not to his face, but in a card. His birthday card. How poetic, eh?

Fate had other plans.

I had the gift, and I had the card; it had been prepared and ready to go. I even hid it in my car, so my family wouldn't find it. It was a small porcelain piano figurine with a slip of paper dotted with musical notes, and a 'Happy Birthday!' card with my feelings written in it.

Now it's gone. I hate this fucking neighbourhood.

"Robbed? What, how and when?!" Taylor said his voice prickling with concern through my phone's speaker. I had sighed as I ran my fingers through my hair. My hand clutched the phone firmly as I began to explain what had happened.

"I was taking out the trash from my room when I saw a figure lurking near my car. They were clutching a large box in one arm, and when they saw me, they pulled out a knife. A fucking knife! They... they threatened to stab if I tried to come near them. I couldn't recognise the voice, but it was feminine," I uttered through my panicked breaths. Taylor let out a gasp when I said the assailant whipped out a knife.

"Could you see what they looked like?" Taylor questioned.

I shrugged, then when I realised he couldn't see me, I answered, "no. Whoever they were thought this through; they were dressed head to toe in black. The thief was quite tiny, though."

"What did they steal?" He asked, hurriedly. I sighed, glancing towards my car from my front porch.

"My entire glovebox. Your birthday present was in there. Whoever it was got away."

There was silence on the other end of the phone. After a tense few seconds, Taylor asked, "you bought me something?"

Psh, yeah, and it's gone as well as my confession of love. Fuck my life.

"I'm sorry dude. Stupid robbers are so fucking inconsiderate. Like, is it even possible to steal an entire glovebox?"  I spat rhetorically.

Taylor had snorted before saying, "Dude, forget about my present. The most important thing is if you're okay right now! If a robber waved a knife at me, I would have shat my pants!"

I let out a short giggle before I looked at my car again, the sight of the cracked passenger seat's window making me frown.

"You're right. I'm fine now that I called you," I began, "speaking of which, I'm sorry that I called you so late. I thought I'd let you know about it, bro."

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