06 | Deliberated

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T A Y L O R 'S   P. O. V.

Saturday, February 2nd, 2014 

Saturdays are my favourite days of the week. Zero chores, zero responsibilities, zero obligations and all the time in the world (well, technically, 24 hours only, but still). All I did today was play piano in my room, writing new songs and rehearsing old ones.

This particular Saturday though, I had one chore. One thing nagging me at the back of my head that I needed to fix.

I needed Ana's advice about the party.

It was late, about eight at night. Ana had come into my room a while ago, enjoying some brother-sister bonding time. She was painting her nails while I continued to play on my piano.

"Hey... Ana?" I said nervously, tapping the tips of my fingers softly on my piano keys, "can I ask you something?"

Ana, who was sitting on my bed in my room, lifted a brow. She placed her black nail-polish brush back into its bottle before she began fanning her hands. "Uh... sure? What's up, Tay?"

I had tapped a few piano keys before I uttered, "Let's say someone was blackmailing you, and to keep your dirt hidden, you're forced to do something you're uncomfortable with. What would you do?"

Honestly, I don't trust what Bella was planning. What she told me yesterday in bio was too vague; she was purposefully keeping me in the dark. I'm sure Bella's trying to get Darko and me together, but her method's dodgy... It's my first party, and she's already trying to make me drink! There are already enough dangerous things to worry about at a party, yet she's trying to throw me in the deep end. I just.. my gut is telling me that something's not right. What if something goes wrong?

Ana softly chuckled before saying, "I'd do the thing that the person's forcing me to do, but I'd make sure first that it won't make me feel like shit. What is this person blackmailing you with, bro?"

"The blackmail has to do with... school. Nothing too big," I said, gritting my teeth at my lie, "and the uncomfortable thing is a party. I've been 'invited.'" I said, using my fingers as quotation marks.

Ana began blowing her nails softly before she snorted. "You? At a party? Don't make me laugh, Tay; if you went to a party, you'd probably explode from your nerves. You weren't built to be overly social."

I shook my head before grinning. "Yeah, you're right about that. But, I have to go to it. I have no choice."

Ana looked at me, a half-smile appearing on her pearly face, "So, regardless if you go or not, something's gonna happen?"

I nodded. Ana chuckled, before refocusing on her nails. "Nice one, bro. Way to get yourself into that kind of situation."

I rolled my eyes. "Well, I have until next Friday to make a decision. That's a week from now until the party - AKA my next nervous breakdown."

Ana sighed. "Does that mean I have to babysit mum again?"

"Hey, I'm only one call away. Besides, if I'm not responding and something drastic does happen, you know you can call Darko's family. Or, you know, an ambulance." I said.

We both sighed. Friday is going to be a busy night for both of us.

"What are you even going to do at a party? You've never been to one!" Ana stated as she started applying another coat of the matte black paint onto her thumb. I sighed.

Honestly, I have no idea what to do. What do people do during parties? Are they like the parties in high school movies where everybody gets drunk, everyone dances like an idiot and everyone gets laid? Because if they're like that, then I don't care if Bella exposes me. Parties like that are definitely not my thing.

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