08 | Fiasco

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D A R K O' S P. O. V.

Thursday, February 7th, 2014      


I shouted in frustration as I threw my arms up in the air. I slammed my head down onto Miss Lauriana's piano keys, a terrible clash of notes erupting from the instrument as my head crushed them. Taylor patted my back as I pseudo-wept.

"Like I said, learning things on the piano takes practice. You'll get the hang of it eventually." Taylor said soothingly, rubbing my back. I craned my head, my eyes meeting Taylor's as my ear rested on the keys. I had groaned before he let out a soft chuckle.

It's been four days since Sunday; four days since my glovebox was thieved. While I had managed to replace my glovebox, the porcelain figurine was one of a kind - the store had closed down. Apparently, I had been their sole customer for the entire month. There was no chance I, nor anybody else, could ever buy something from there again.

Why does the universe hate me? All I want to do is make Taylor happy on his birthday. Can't something go right at least once?

Come on Darko, I thought to myself; you didn't give up motorcycle riding today to disappoint Taylor. You can do this!

"I guess so," I said weakly, lifting my head up slightly, "I just... I wish I could make Fur Elise sound as amazing as you can."

A smile appeared on his face, making him turn to face the instrument. He cleared his throat as he adjusted his glasses. "You're such a suck-up."

"Pshh. If I were, I'd be spit-shining your shoes."

He had grimaced before snorting. "Now that would be gross. Anyway," he said as he placed his hands on the keys, gesturing me to join in too, "ready? I'll play the intro again; then you copy me."

I quickly nodded. Taylor began playing the first few notes of the song, making sure it was slow enough for me to remember the sequence. Once he was done, he turned to me, gesturing to the ebony keys. I finally managed to copy his fingerwork correctly, making a smile appear on both of our faces.

"Yes!" Taylor said cheerfully, "keep playing that part over and over until you can do it without thinking about it."

I nodded, smiling, and kept replaying the notes as I did before. I shut my eyes, letting my mind wander as the notes flitted into my ears. This week had been incredibly busy for everyone. Lyra's been busy preparing for her party, Taylor's been prepping for his performances at school, and Bella's... well, Bella hasn't been at the school for a few days. Quite weird.

Meh. I'm not complaining. Her being 'off the grid' gives me more one-on-one time with Taylor. My favourite time.

"Uh, Darko?  You're playing the wrong notes..." Taylor said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I glanced down, and I was playing everything one note lower down than I should have. I swore profusely, throwing my head back as I did. "I'll never learn this. I have stupid fingers."

Taylor chuckled. "Don't beat yourself up. Nobody gets it the first time. Believe it or not,  I was once terrible at the piano."

I snorted. "Yeah I know, but that was in like grade two. Everybody is bad at an instrument when they're seven - you've always been talented!"

An enormous grin formed on his lips before he shrugged. "Like I said, you're such a suck-up, Darko."

I rolled my eyes as I refocused on the keys in front of me. Taylor focused on the instrument too, but he didn't play anything - he just sat there, staring.

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