When I Come Home - 1

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Criminal Minds. Nothing belongs to me except, Morgan Reid, Jason Reid, Ryan Reid, and Ella Reid. The GIF's don't belong to me, the song, or the song video. All that belongs to me is my characters and my book. All statistics or places I use are made up unless said otherwise. If it is said otherwise it will be in the ending author note. Any mistakes please tell me.

Please Read Author Note In The End!!

Wednesday, March 21, Quantico, Virginia

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Wednesday, March 21, Quantico, Virginia

8:47 AM

Walking into the BAU, Behavioral Analysis Unit, office building. Spencer Reid, or Dr. Spencer Reid, thought about his youngest daughter and how she made him look all over the house for fifteen minutes to look for her bunny. The preschool was having a show and tell that day and Ella had told her mother and father she would only take the blue bunny, that was passed down from her brother, and nothing else. The bunny was given to Jason from Ryan when he was born. He's since outgrown the bunny and gave it to Ella when she was born. She still held onto the bunny tightly at the age of four, and Morgan had told her husband that the bunny would be held just as tightly for a couple more years.

Stepping out of the elevator Spencer hid his smile and had to remind himself that his home life needed to stay there, and could not be brought into the office. His home life was never brought up because hardly anybody knew about it, his team included. Now he needed to become Dr. Reid and make it through the day, if no cases come up he could go home and spend his time with his family. Lost in his thoughts he didn't hear Derek Morgan as he called out the geniuses name, and when he didn't respond the elder agent took the approach he normally did with the young doctor.

"Hey, Pretty Boy." As Spencer sat down at his desk he turned to his close friend and coworker.

"Hey, Morgan." Most days Spencer had to hold back his laugh at the name his friend and wife shared.

"What are you doing this weekend?" Morgan asked him, this was the part he hated, keeping his two lives separate. Meaning he couldn't tell his friends about Reid's family plans to go to the zoo if a case didn't come up. He knew the logical answer was to tell his friends about his family, but when he first started this job Gideon and Strauss had thought it would be better if no one knew the young twenty-four-year-old already had a wife and a year old adopted daughter. They thought that people would look at the agent differently. When the first two years had been over he didn't know how to share his family with his team, he felt that they would think he didn't trust them. And he couldn't even think of a way to even get in that conversation, "I have a daughter and wife. That I kept hidden from the team because Strauss and Gideon told me to."

He didn't think that conversation would go over well. He knows he should have told his team before his wife got pregnant with their son, and way before she got pregnant again. But it was nice to have something that couldn't be used against him by unsubs. He'd seen how it affected Hotch and didn't want to put his family in that situation. But at the end of the day that was just an excuse so he didn't feel so bad about keeping one part of his family away from the other.

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