Chapter 2: The Blind Banker

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Rose had just walked up the stairs to ask John how his job interview went, but she groaned when she saw Sherlock was actually in for once. He was sitting before the mirror at the back of the boys' living room, where he'd stuck pictures from his latest case, but he ignored her as he continued to stare intently at John.

"Rose." John greeted. Sherlock's eyes slid to her for a millisecond before he turned back to the pictures, turning away from John at last. "John." Rose replied with a grin. "Please, have a seat and excuse the mess." John said as he tidied up a little, offering his armchair to the lady.

"Thanks." Rose sat down as John walked to the kitchen to get her some tea. "So, how was the job interview at that surgery?" She asked, but to her surprise Sherlock replied: "Apparently 'she' was great." He smirked while John groaned. Rose raised her brows and wiggled them at John.

"My, isn't that lovely." Rose teased and John groaned. "I should've known you'd tell her." He complained to Sherlock who just smiled. But then Sherlock focused again as he said to John, who'd come back into the room with a cup for Rose: "Here, have a look." He jerked his head behind him at the laptop sitting open on the desk.

"Hmm?" John asked as he walked over and Rose peered over to see the 'Online News' with an article titled: 'Ghostly killer leaves a mystery for police.' The rest seemed to be about the man, a freelance journalist, who'd been shot in his fourth floor flat but all his doors and windows had been locked... from the inside.

"Saw that this morning." Rose murmured, and Sherlock turned to her with narrowed eyes. He was about to open his mouth, probably to say something rude, when John read softly: "The 'intruder who can walk through walls.'"

Sherlock was distracted enough, and he replied to John: "Happened last night. Journalist shot dead in his flat; doors locked, windows bolted from the inside – exactly the same as Van Coon." Rose looked curious as she asked: "Whose Van Coon?"

Sherlock ignored her while John asked in disbelief as he straightened up: "God. You think..." Sherlock finished: "He's killed another one." Rose's brows lifted as she asked: "So there's a killer out there murdering people, who can 'walk through walls'?"

Sherlock ignored her, getting up to leave. John sighed as he said apologetically to Rose: "Sorry, got to go, it's important." Rose just shrugged and she waved him off, saying: "Go on, don't worry about me. I'll just leave the tea for you boys though."

John nodded gratefully and ran after Sherlock. Rose stopped, pausing to glance at the pictures on the mirror curiously and then at the news page, before she walked out of the flat and downstairs to her own flat, closing the door behind her firmly.


That night, Rose stood with Molly Hooper in the hospital canteen, getting their dinners. Molly was incredibly awkward but she was a really sweet woman and she had shown the younger woman around when she'd first arrived. They often ate lunch together, and since Molly often worked in the lab, they were around each other quite often.

Rose was surprised when she heard Sherlock ask from behind them: "What are you thinking: pork or the pasta?" Both women turned to him, Molly also startled as she said: "Oh, it's you!" Rose detected a nervous tone and saw the look on the older woman's face and she realized abruptly that Molly Hooper fancied Sherlock Holmes.

"Hello, Rose." Sherlock greeted and Rose started. He had never acknowledged her presence before- he was clearly trying to get on their good sides for something. "Er, hi..." Rose said slowly while Molly looked between them with surprise and some jealousy.

"Oh, you know each other?" She asked and Rose explained: "He lives in the flat above mine." Sherlock said as he looked at the menu options: "This place is never going to trouble Egon Ronay, is it?" He smiled at Molly and Rose's eyes narrowed. What did he want?

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