Chapter 6: It Begins

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After spending the night cleaning up most of the debris in both the boys' and Rose's flats, the pair separated. Rose left to take a shower and change after Sherlock checked her once more for a concussion.

He'd refused to allow her to check him, and she didn't press the issue, deciding he could probably judge for himself. They'd looked out to see the entire wall across the street from them had been blown away, hence the force of the blast that had impacted them.

Luckily, no-one appeared to have been hurt so far, including in their flat. She returned upstairs, refreshed and feeling much better, to see that John had come back... and to see Mycroft sitting before his brother. All three men turned to look at her as she walked in.

John immediately asked: "Rose, are you alright? Were you hurt?" She shook her head as she answered: "No, I probably sustained the most damage from where I hit my head." John frowned as he said: "Looks like a bit of a bruise on your neck."

She nodded as she said: "Probably from where Sherlock's arm whacked me, but it doesn't hurt so it's alright. I don't think it'll even last." He nodded and they turned back to the Holmes brothers.

Mycroft turned his attention away from the young woman to look at his brother as Sherlock also refocused. He plucked the strings of his violin, which he was casually holding in his hands, as he said to his brother: "I can't."

Rose and John looked at the pair, confused while Mycroft repeated: "'Can't'?" Sherlock continued to pluck his violin as he dismissed: "The stuff I've got on is just too big. I can't spare the time." John stared at the man in disbelief while Rose glanced out the patched up windows as Mycroft scolded: "Never mind your usual trivia. This is of national importance."

Sherlock merely flicked his fingers across the strings as he asked mockingly: "How's the diet?" Mycroft replied calmly: "Fine." He then added: "Perhaps you can get through to him, John."

John looked surprised as he looked up from where'd been examining the debris. "What?" He asked, confused as to why Mycroft was asking him. Mycroft explained: "I'm afraid my brother can be very intransigent."

Sherlock snapped: "If you're so keen, why don't you investigate it?" Mycroft scoffed: "No-no-no-no-no. I can't possibly be away from the office for any length of time – not with the Korean elections so ..." He trailed off as he eyed Rose suddenly while the three residents looked at him with surprise, and Sherlock finally looked somewhat interested.

Mycroft covered: "Well, you don't need to know about that, do you?" He smiled, his face tinged with warning to forget what he'd just said, and Sherlock turned back to his violin irritably. Mycroft continued: "Besides, a case like this, it requires ..." he grimaced a little in distaste, "legwork."

Sherlock plucked a false note in his annoyance; he then turned to John, who was absently rubbing the back of his neck with one hand. He ignored his brother as he asked John: "How's Sarah, John? How was the lilo?"

Mycroft had turned to look down at his pocket watch and corrected without even looking up: "Sofa, Sherlock." At the same time, Rose had said: "Sofa." There was a pause as all three men looked at Rose, who looked a little embarrassed. "Er..." she said as she looked at Mycroft uncertainly.

He was looking at her with narrowed eyes as he finished his sentence slowly: "It was the sofa." Sherlock looked momentarily amused at his brother's appraisal of the woman, before he returned his gaze to John, glancing him up and down. He muttered: "Oh yes, of course."

John looked bewildered as he asked: "How ...? Oh, never mind." John sat down on the coffee table, glancing at Rose and gesturing at her to join him. She shook her head while Mycroft smiled at John as he said condescendingly: "Sherlock's business seems to be booming since you and he became ... pals."

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