Chapter 19: Life Continues

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It had been like any other day. Marie had been sitting with John, enjoying a cup of mid-morning tea while Sherlock had gone on another case. John had opted to rest at home while Marie had the early morning shift that day and so couldn't join Sherlock. The pair were just enjoying some friendly company after Marie returned from her shift, when the front door banged open.

John saw the subtle way Marie's face lit up and her posture straightening just the slightest in anticipation of Sherlock's return, and he grinned to himself. He loved the two as a brother and sister, and he was glad the pair had found a soul mate in the other. But the moment was ruined as Sherlock entered, and Marie's eyes widened while John's mouth fell open.

Sherlock jabbed the harpoon down, the sharp end pointed up as he muttered: "Well, that was tedious." Marie just stared at him, aghast, while John asked incredulously: "You went on the tube like that?"

Sherlock turned his bloodstained face to his friend as he bit out: "None of the cabs would take me." "I wonder why?" Marie muttered sarcastically as her eyes roamed down Sherlock's blood-covered figure. It looked as though a large spurt of blood- from a dead pig, judging by the bloodied harpoon- had hit him directly in the face, splattering all over his face and shirt, and dripping onto his pants.

Sherlock saw her gaze and he grimaced as he stomped towards their room. Marie sighed while John just gaped, unable to shut his mouth from the shock. "I'll go make sure he doesn't drip blood on everything." Marie sighed as she set her cup down and made her way after Sherlock.

"Well, don't be too loud 'cause I can hear you." John muttered and Marie retorted over her shoulder: "From the way you say that, you'd think Sherlock and I never stop." John shouted back: "I'm not sure you two ever do if you don't have to!"

Marie laughed at him as she walked into Sherlock's room, but it immediately became a grimace as Sherlock looked up from where he'd carelessly tossed his clothes on the floor. She sighed: "Really? Now I'll have to scrub the blood off the floor."

He shrugged as he walked naked towards the bathroom for a shower, carrying the harpoon with him as he called: "Care to join me." She laughed as she replied, shaking her head: "With you looking like that? Not on your life."

He glanced at her as he said, mock-hurt: "Are you suggesting that there is something wrong with my looks?" She teased back: "Yes actually, I prefer my men not bloodied." He smiled at her and sent her a wink as he closed the bathroom door to shower. Marie picked up his discarded clothes, wrinkling at the amount of blood on them.

She walked back into the kitchen, using the kitchen tap to try and wash most of the blood off. While the pants might be saved with a good wash, the shirt was ruined beyond repair. Pity, because she liked that one- the light blue complemented Sherlock's eyes.

With a shrug, she dumped it into the trashcan, throwing the pants and socks into the washing machine. John had watched her in amusement before turning back to the morning paper that he hadn't finished reading while Marie grabbed a scrubbing brush and a bucket, heading back to the room to work the blood off their bedroom floor before it left a stain.


Marie had just left to buy groceries when Sherlock walked back into the living room, cleaned and freshly dressed. His look was completed by his blue dressing gown and the now clean harpoon. He glanced around for Marie, and seeing her absent, immediately sulked, pacing the room agitated as he demanded: "Nothing?"

John sighed. Sherlock had started to become almost unbearable when Marie wasn't around. He supposed it was a mix of both loss and anxiety- after all, they still didn't know with certainty how Moriarty would react and what he would do now that Marie had chosen to stay by Sherlock's side.

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