Chapter 31: The Final Problem

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Marie P.O.V.

John had disappeared on his own, muttering angrily about finding the source behind this. Marie let him leave, knowing who he'd gone to. There was only one person in this world who could give Moriarty the information about Sherlock. As John would no doubtedly point out, Sherlock's phone consisted of exactly three names- and it hadn't been her or John who'd blabbed.

Marie took the opportunity to go into hiding, disappearing into the shadows of a random alley. She knew Moriarty would be looking for her, and she knew it was only a matter of time. Her phone buzzed and she picked up.

"Hello?" She asked. She listened carefully and her face morphed into first disbelief and then anger. She didn't say anything however, hanging up at the end of the call and leaning her head back. She sighed, and stayed in her spot for another few hours, her head bowed dejectedly.

As daylight approached, she moved. She'd made it to a corner when movement caught her eye. She tensed, knowing she'd been spotted by Moriarty's men. But she wasn't a trained assassin for nothing. She slipped into the shadows once more, making use of her full skillset.


She'd just finished off the last man, and when she received a call from John. "Hello?" She asked and John said urgently and desperately: "Mrs. Hudson's been shot." Her head shot up and she asked sharply: "How?"

"I don't know, it must've been one of those God-damned assassins!" John cried and Marie could hear that he was driving somewhere, probably in a cab.

"Where's Sherlock?" She demanded and John snapped: "He stayed at Bart's, that machine. Didn't care."

Marie's blood ran cold and she said urgently: "John, was he alone?"

John snorted as he said angrily: "Yes, like he wanted to be. He said it was his protection." Marie's breathing hitched, as John continued: "I'm almost back at 221, but I'll need you, too. Do you think you can make it? Marie?"

But she'd hung up, running as fast as she could to St. Bart's Hospital. Sherlock.


Sherlock P.O.V.

Sherlock walked out onto Bart's roof, strolling towards Moriarty who was waiting as Sherlock had requested. He was blasting music, 'Stayin' Alive', his head bobbing along to the music as he noticed Sherlock's presence.

"Ah. Here we are at last." Moriarty said contently. "You and me, Sherlock, and our problem – the final problem." He paused as the song reached it's climax and he repeated the lyrics: "Stayin' alive!" He paused before he said dejectedly: "It's so boring, isn't it?"

He turned off the music angrily as Sherlock paced before the man. Moriarty continued petulantly: "It's just ... staying." He grimaced before he continued: "All my life I've been searching for distractions. You were the best distraction and now I don't even have you." He paused and when Sherlock showed no reaction, he added: "Because I've beaten you."

At that, Sherlock's head swivelled to look at him and he stopped walking. Moriarty continued in disgust: "And you know what? In the end it was easy. It was easy." His voice was forlorn and he muttered loathingly: "Now I've got to go back to playing with the ordinary people. And it turns out you're ordinary just like all of them."

He lowered his head before he got up as he said lightly: "Ah well." "Sherlock just watched as Moriarty began to pace around Sherlock. "Did you almost start to wonder if I was real? Did I nearly get you?" Moriarty taunted.

"Richard Brook." Sherlock said flatly and Moriarty said happily: "Nobody seems to get the joke, but you do." Sherlock retorted: "Of course." Moriarty said, pleased: "Attaboy." Sherlock continued almost cutting Moriarty off: "Rich Brook in German is Reichen Bach. The case that made my name."

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