Chapter 3: Tong

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"This isn't very nice." Rose commented as Sherlock led her to the theater, noticing John and his date walking up to the manager sitting inside the Box Office. "Oh, nice is boring." He replied and then he held out his arm for her to take. She looked at it skeptically.

"Come on, I haven't got all day." He said impatiently and she sighed as she took his arm. "At least you know how to be a gentleman." She muttered as they followed John. He glanced at her, and then snorted as she added with a small laugh: "Because now I know you're just being rude on purpose."

They got close enough to John to hear just as the manager was telling John: "Actually, I have four in that name." John frowned as he said: "No, I don't think so. We only booked two." Sherlock piped up then: "And then I phoned back and got two for myself and my date as well."

John turned to Sherlock in complete disbelief and then stared incredulously at Rose on Sherlock's arm as they stepped up behind him and his date. Sherlock looked the other woman up and down before he offered his hand as he introduced with a smile: "I'm Sherlock."

The woman glanced at John quickly before she shook Sherlock's hand with a nervous smile as she said uncertainly: "Er, hi." "Hello." Sherlock greeted, somewhat coldly. Rose smiled as she chimed in: "My name's Rose. Lovely to meet you."

The woman smiled at her as she replied nervously: "Sarah. Nice to meet you, too." Rose smiled back sincerely as she said: "John was looking forward to meeting with you." Immediately the woman looked more relaxed, sending John a delighted glance as she asked: "Really?"

Rose nodded while John looked at her with relief and Sherlock was put out. "Well, we'd best get going." Sherlock said as he gave Sarah a fake smile. He walked off with Rose, and muttered to her petulantly: "Why're you being so nice to her?"

Rose shrugged as she pointed out: "You're the one jealous, not me. It's not her fault John lives with a sociopathic flat mate." He gave her an annoyed look but she just smiled at him innocently. He rolled his eyes as John and Sarah joined them.

"I'm just going to nip to the loo." Sarah said, looking at Sherlock a little uncertainly, and Rose piped up: "I'll go with you." John gave her a thankful smile and Rose winked at him when Sarah'd turned her back.

The women walked off and Sarah asked: "So, how do you know John?" Rose smiled as she said: "I'm his neighbor, and I'm here with his flat mate tonight." Sarah nodded, looking a little relieved as she said: "Oh, so you and John aren't..." Rose saw where the woman was going and she shook her head firmly as she reassured: "No, no. John's a good friend, and I'm happy he's met a lovely woman like you."

Sarah relaxed and by the time they'd finished up with their light toiletries and walked back to the men, they were chatting lightly. Unfortunately they walked up right as Sherlock was demanding: "What?" and John snapped at the younger man: "while I'm trying to get off with Sarah!"

Rose suppressed a laugh as Sarah looked startled and John saw them behind him. John looked extremely awkward as he said: "Heyyy..." Rose grinned at him from behind Sarah while Sherlock rolled his eyes in annoyance. Rose walked up to Sherlock as he walked off up the stairs to the performance area.

As Rose followed, she heard John behind them asking Sarah: "Ready?" Sarah said brightly: "Yeah." And the pair followed as Rose whispered to Sherlock: "You had to push him." Sherlock muttered back: "I didn't know." She looked him up and down in disbelief.

"You're joking." She said flatly and he rolled his eyes as they walked into the area. She appraised him and she murmured: "Oh... you actually are innocent." He looked at her, annoyed but she grinned. "Don't worry, your secret's safe with me." She teased and he rolled his eyes at her again.

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