Chapter 13: A Scandal in Belgravia

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As they sat in the car back to Baker Street, John asked: "Okay, the smoking. How did you know?" Rose snorted, making the first sound since they'd left. John looked relieved to hear the young woman say something at last, even if it was derisively but Sherlock didn't even seem to notice as he replied: "The evidence was right under your nose, John. As ever, you see but do not observe."

John asked confusedly: "Observe what?" Sherlock turned to Rose and said expectantly: "Rose." She piped up: "Ashtray." John blinked and Sherlock pulled said item out of his coat pocket. He tossed it contently while John began to laugh. Rose cracked a giggle as well, and Sherlock chuckled.

Suddenly, Sherlock said: "Rose." She looked at him questioningly and he told her: "The hiker and the backfire case. Two men are alone in the countryside, several yards apart and near a river. One man is trying to fix his car engine, and getting nowhere. The other man, the hiker, is looking up at the sky, possibly watching the birds. The man in the car tries to restart his car but it just backfired. Defeated, he glanced over at the hiker, but the hiker was lying on the ground."

John added: "The driver is the main suspect, though Sherlock shot that idea down. The hiker was murdered from a blow to the back of his head by a blunt instrument which then disappeared without a trace." Rose's eyebrows lifted, and Sherlock smirked. "Can you figure it out?" He asked, and she replied: "A loud noise, the hiker turned to look... what can you tell me about his job?

John looked surprised at that question while Sherlock replied: "He was an accomplished sportsman." John tried: "So, he was fit, right? Since he was a sportsman? So how come he just died from a blow when there was no-one else there?"

Rose meanwhile had smiled and Sherlock grinned. "The hiker wasn't murdered, John." She said and John frowned. "What?" He asked and Rose smiled as she asked Sherlock: "Boomerang?" His eyes gleamed and she knew she was right. John looked confused but decided not to question it anymore as they arrived back at their flat.

When they returned to 221B, Sherlock immediately went to his room began to throw outfits around, flinging them out of his dressers and letting them hit his open door. John heard the noise and he asked: "What are you doing?" Rose sighed while Sherlock replied: "Going into battle, John. I need the right armour."

John turned to see Sherlock appear in his doorway wearing a fireman's jacket. "No." He declared and went back to change again. John looked at Rose but she shook her head, looking exasperated, amused and- John frowned- just a little bit worried.

The two soon left again, getting in a cab, Sherlock having eventually only changed his scarf, although Rose saw him pocket a clerical collar. Rose had opted to sit out, knowing she didn't really have a good place in Sherlock's plan. But as soon as they were out, she couldn't help but become worried. Irene Adler was a professional flirt- for want of a better word- and a dangerous woman.

She sighed. Her job was to wait. But it didn't mean she was happy to do it.


Rose was alarmed when she heard John and Sherlock return with a crash. She was even more worried when she heard Lestrade's voice. Walking out onto the landing she saw Lestrade and John dragging a mostly unconscious Sherlock up the stairs.

Sherlock was mumbling incoherently as he flailed about, as though he was both drunk and drugged. "What the hell?" She demanded as she hurried over, letting them through as they dragged the man towards his room and his bed. She followed them and as they dumped him the bed, she demanded: "What happened?"

John glanced at her and he admitted sheepishly: "Adler drugged him with something. I'm not sure what, she said to watch that he didn't choke on his own vomit but that otherwise he should be alright." She pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes. She knew what drug John was talking about.

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