Chapter 32: Epilogue?

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John P.O.V.

John stayed in a daze for the next few days, unable to wrap his head around what had happened. The press were having a field day, calling the incident: 'Suicide of fake genius'.

Marie had disappeared shortly after the incident, unable to stay or even attend Sherlock's funeral as she had to go on the run. Mycroft had prevented her past from becoming public knowledge, but the police knew and were on the lookout for her. John's heart twisted every time he thought of that- she would have to run for the rest of her life, and never be able to see Sherlock again. Not even his final resting place.

So it was with a heavy heart that John and Mrs. Hudson went to Sherlock's grave, the only ones who came to pay their respects. All that love and fame Sherlock had received for his miracle cases, and this was how it was repaid in the end.

Mrs. Hudson murmured as the pair stood by Sherlock's grave: "There's all the stuff, all the science equipment. I left it all in boxes. I don't know what needs doing. I thought I'd take it to a school."

When John didn't respond, she began: "Would you ...?"

John interrupted firmly: "I can't go back to the flat again, not at the moment. I'm angry." Mrs. Hudson nodded understandingly as she murmured: "It's okay, John. There's nothing unusual in that. That's the way he made everyone feel."

The looked down at the shiny gravestone as she listed: "All the marks on my table; and the noise. Firing guns at half past one in the morning." John sighed: "Yeah." Mrs. Hudson continued: "Bloody specimens in my fridge. Imagine, keeping bodies where there's food!"

John nodded, agreeing: "Yes." Mrs. Hudson was on a roll as she complained: "And the fighting! Drove me up the wall with all his carryings-on!"

John interrupted at last: "Yeah, listen: I-I'm not actually that angry, okay?" Mrs. Hudson nodded contritely and she murmured: "Okay. I'll leave you alone to, erm ... you know."

She gestured at the grave and she walked away, sobbing. John waited for her to walk out of earshot before he began, stuttering a little on his words and fighting to keep his voice steady even as it cracked at times: "Um ... mmm. You ... you told me once that you weren't a hero. Umm ... there were times I didn't even think you were human, but let me tell you this."

John's voice came stronger, as he said determinedly: "You were the best man, and the most human ... human being that I've ever known and no-one will ever convince me that you told me a lie, and so..." He paused before he said spitefully: "There."

He lowered his head, and he swallowed hard. He glanced to check he was alone as he stepped forward, touching the gravestone as he admitted: "I was so alone, and I owe you so much." He took a deep breath and murmured. "Okay."

He turned and began to walk away before he turned back and asked, his voice cracking: "Oh, please, there's just one more thing, right, one more thing: one more miracle, Sherlock, for me and for Marie, wherever she is now."

He paused and he fought tears as he asked: "Don't ... be ... dead. Would you do ...? Just for me, just stop it. Stop this." He sighed as he stared down at Sherlock's grave before he lowered his head. The tears finally broke through and he sobbed just once.

He quickly wiped his eyes, and stood straight and resolute. With his back ram-rod straight with resolution, he turned and walked away, leaving his friend's grave behind.


Sherlock P.O.V.

Sherlock watched John leave from afar, standing in the shadows of the trees. He stood staring after his best friend, unmoving and not saying a word. Marie stepped up beside him, commenting quietly: "That was sweet of him."

Sherlock ignored the slight accusation in her tone as he turned and began to walk away. He stopped when Marie said in a low voice: "You should tell him. You owe it to him."

Sherlock shook his head as he replied: "You know why I... we can't." She turned to him as she demanded: "It's killing him, Sherlock."

Sherlock replied: "No, it's what's keeping him alive. Moriarty's criminal network was vast and until it's brought down, none of them are safe. This is the only way to ensure their protection. You know that."

Marie's eyes saddened as she glanced back. "I know. It just..." She sighed unhappily. She hadn't been happy with this idea ever since they'd started planning for it about three months earlier.

"I'll keep watch on them, as we planned." She promised in a small voice. Sherlock murmured in a strained attempt at comfort: "Besides, if he really thought about it, John has everything to figure it all out."

Marie sighed. "You know he never could. It's why you allowed it to slip." She pointed out.

"And you know we couldn't let him realize anyway." Sherlock replied softly. She didn't reply immediately and when she did, she simply said quietly: "We should go. Mycroft is probably waiting."

He didn't reply, just reaching out and taking her hand as he led her away gently. As they walked, Sherlock murmured: "Thank you. I know this was hard on you."

"You mean my acting, or working with Mycroft?" Marie teased half-heartedly and he cracked a smile. She sighed as she answered more seriously, her voice low: "It wasn't too bad. I, at least, knew it wasn't real. Poor John."

Sherlock squeezed her hand as she paused before she continued in a soft voice: "And besides, the worst is only to come."

She turned her gaze to him sadly and Sherlock met her green eyes, his own blue ones softening at the pain in hers. "I'll miss you." She said quietly and Sherlock stopped walking. He brushed his hand through her hair, pulling her closer gently.

He softly kissed the top of her head as he murmured: "As I will miss you." She hugged him tightly, murmuring: "Stay safe. Please."

"I'll try. For you." He promised in a low voice.

They stayed like that for a moment before he let her go. She turned and walked away without a backward glance, although it took all her strength. Sherlock watched her slip away and disappear amongst the shadows. He glanced back at his empty grave, before turning resolutely.

He had a job to do, and if it meant keeping those he loved safe, he would do whatever he had to.

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