Chapter 4

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We had a family reunion today. I was cooking all the delicious food I could think of. Other recipes I found them on Pinterest. That app is just amazing. My dad and Abdulrahman were making the guest lists. Apparently we had some relatives we didnt wanna invite over. Guess all families have those relatives.

I was passing by the sitting room when i overheard my dad speaking of inviting Habaryar Malyun.

"Noooo...please not her!" I literally screamed on top of my lungs making my way to the room.

My dad raised his eyebrows questioning why he shouldnt invite her over.

"Dad, she is...."
"She is what???"

I sighed. She was my dad's sister. Obviously he would be wondering why his daughter didnt want his sister to come over. Its complicated ok! You will understand better when she arrives.


"Habaryar, assalam alaikum." I could hear over the kitchen Abdulrahman  politely greeting the guests. I was making the dessert, brownie batter cheesecake and fudgy brownie cake.

While i was making the icing, Amal was blending the icecream to make some milkshakes. Vanilla, oreo shake and kitkat shake. Since some chocolate powder remained,so she thought of making chocolate shakes.
What could be better than a helping sister?

Mom came into the kitchen to check up on the food. Lunch was so ready and so was the dessert. After she was satisfied with what she saw, she kissed us on the cheeks and muttering on how she is lucky to have amazing daughters.

After she was gone, I was about to put the cake in the fridge when Amal spoke.

"Aliyah, do we really have to be nice to Habaryar Malyun? Do you even like her? I know i dont!" She stated with an angry expression on the face.

I laughed.

"There are some people Amal, as much as we hate them, we have to pretend we like them. And to be honest, its not like am fond of her or something, trust me when she starts nagging dad on marrying me off, i have thing feeling inside to just rip her throat apart. But she is dad's sister, there is nothing we can do about it!" I told her earning a laugh from her.

"True, and the way she openly states that dad should marry you off to her son, is just over the top!" She said while hopping on the counter. thing i missed on telling you guys. She has a son, a 28 year-old son who to be honest, is a pain in the throat. He is a business man, and if I start explaining how much I hate him and his business, it will probably take yours and my  whole life. So the least I can do is show you how much I hate him in words.

"Ya Allah, I cant express how much I hate him. I hope he doesnt show up!"

"Heeyyy guyzz!"

Oooh-ooh..spoke too soon.

"Hey!" A bored Amal spoke.

"So Aliyah, tell me. Hows life taking you?" He came closer to me.
"Its a nice ride so far. Thanks for your concern." I told him with a forced smile.

"Dont worry, am gonna join you in your ride very soon." He said with an evil grin plastered on his ugly face.

He cant even say Insha'Allah and furthermore, I want him  to join me in my ride not this psycho.

My mom came to my rescue and politely asked him to get out of the kitchen. "Ahmad, can you please go and join your mother. I think i heard her calling you." My mom asked him with her lips twitched up in a fake smile. I guess we are not the only one who are not thrilled about his existence.

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