Chapter 10

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Falling For You

Chapter 10.

N:B...I decided to change the name Najma to Khawla. NajmaIbrahim98 soorrry. There is a reason why I changed it.

Soo, Najma is now Khawla.

Enjoy ;):)

Mansoor was having guests at their house, more specifically his friends whom they finished together in High School. While he didnt like the thought of his friends coming home, he couldnt do anything about it. If he had a choice of place, he would choose any other place in the city than in their home. More specifically, he preferred at the local mosque. You maybe asking yourself why? Well, he got two very pretty sisters and he wouldnt like it if any pair of eyes fell on them.

Mansoor smiled at the fact that his friends were foodies and that made him stand up and check on the food being cooked by his mother and sisters.

"Am telling you, I can take all of that down in here!" Khawla said pointing at her stomach.

She was a foodie enough than the boys coming.

"Well, as much as i like that idea of you taking all the food down, I would prefer to leave it for my friends." Mansoor said while tasting the home-made sweets his mom was making before being hitted by a spoon by his mom.

"Those are for your friends Mansoor not yours!" She warned while ogling at him.

Mansoor laughed it off but took one anyway- obviously when his mom wasnt looking.

"So, how many are they coming?" Khawla asked.

While counting inwardly, Mansoor finally answered.

"8 of them."
"Do I know them? Coz clearly am still in the same secondary school you finished." Khawla said.

"Yah, I think you know some of them. You know Maryam Abdulrahman right?" Mansoor asked.

"Well, her brother is coming too."

"Oooh Muhammad right?"


"Anybody else?" Khawla was still asking?

"Yah, your favourite name is also coming!" Mansoor said while laughing.

Khawla practically threw the spoon she was holding and screamed,


They all laughed. Clearly, Khawla was obsessed with that name.

Khawla recalled the conversation she had with her mom when they went for Umrah.

They were at Mount Uhud, the place where the second battle of Muslims against Quraysh took place. When the Prophet (S.A.W) ordered the 50 archers to not dismount the mountain even if they were winning the battle but they disobeyed and dismounted to go and collect what the Quraysh had left behind leaving their spot unguarded.
At that time, Khaleed ibn Waleed was still a non-muslim. When he saw what the archers did, he quickly went round Mt.Uhud and surrounded the muslims who were busy collected the treasure. When the Quraysh saw what Khaleed did, they stopped running and charged towards the muslims who were sandwiched between the two. The battle become more fierce resulting to alot of bloodshed to the muslims.

The point was not what Khaleed did, the point was, where Khawla was standing, she was facing Mt.Uhud, the mountain which Khaleed went round it in a matter of minutes, and as Khawla's eyes met the mountain, it was huge. The mountain was so big compared to any other mountain.

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