Chapter 19.

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Dedicated to my bestfriend, my love, my coffee, my food (P.S if i romantize my food with you then thats love for sure😊) my everything you can think of. I love you girl. Thanks for always being there for me and showing love & support all the way from Seeking Your Forgivenes. Yes folks, we have come so far❤❤.

fatmatty30 I love you❤❤.


Everything was going on smoothly, Khawla had finished her high school, her brother Hudhayfa was transferred to Madina University and Mansoor was halfway through his medicine course. Sumaiya was a happy married teacher, she taught secondary schools IRE and Arabic.

It has been 3 years now since everyone left the house, except Khawla. Either married or searching for knowledge, everyone was out of the house. Khawla was staying with his younger cousin who was 14 years old with her parents. The house was boring without her siblings.

Khawla was watching a movie when she felt the need to go downstairs. She happened to hear her parents conversing with each other in the living room. She wasn't going to eavesdrop  but when she heard her name, she stopped to hear what they will say about her.

"Many proposals are coming for her as she has finished her high school. I have lost count on the number of people who came to me asking for her." Yassir said.

Mama sighed.

"We are not getting Khawla married now. And have I told you of her condition?"

"Yah, she wants a Khaleed guy! Wallah she is crazy." Yassir managed to laugh.

"She is. Am curious, its not like I doubt my daughter but do you think maybe she already has a Khaleed on her mind, thats why she keeps mentioning it."

"I would never doubt my daughter and even if she does have someone on her mind, am sure she never tried talking to him. She is my daughter, the apple to my eyes. She wont let me down."

"That she won't. I absolutely trust her."

"Alhamdullilah for such pure daughters wallah. We have raised them well."


"Before I forget, a proposal has come in for Mansoor." Mama said.

"Who?" Baba asked.

Khawla was silently praying it was from the Khalif's family, but to her dissapointment, it wasn't.

"You remember Salama? Her daughter Marwa?"

"Oh yah, daughter of Ahmad right?"

Mama nodded.

"They want Mansoor and Marwa to get married. What do you think? I personally like her."

"Well, If you like her, then I like her too, plus the girl literally grew up with Mansoor, am sure he will approve of her." Baba responded.

"So we call them over? After two weeks because Mansoor is coming home next week for the break."

"Great. Okay let me go shower."

Khawla waited until her father had gone upstairs when she walked over to where her mom was. She sat next to her.

"Mama, really, Marwa?"

"Yes, why what is the problem?" Her mom's scrunitizing gaze found hers.

"The problem is that I don't like her mama!"


"Am serious mama, I dont like her." Khawla huffed.

Mama just shook her head and left the room. Khawla sprinted to her room, grabbed her phone and made a call to Mansoor.

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