Chapter 20.

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My eyes were stinging.

My heart was aching.

My head was aching.

But she couldn't see this. Why? Because she was so animately describing how happy she felt.

And what was she happy about?

She was going to meet Mansoor!

My Mansoor!

"Aliyah, which one do you think suits me, dull colours or bright colours?" Marwa held on two dresses, a black one with gold strips and a yellow one with blue spots.

Aliyah, tiredly looked at the two dresses, then looked at Marwa. She gave her a fake smile and pointed at the black dress with gold strips.

"Really? Okay let me go change."

Marwa, ever so happily took the dress and went towards the bathroom. She took along her make up kit and Aliyah knew that she will stay long in there. She took her phone, dialled her bestfriend's number and she went towards the balcony.

"Hey, how are you holding up?"

"I will kill her. She kept going on and on how happy she was that she will finally be reunited with her old childhood friend. Salma, am loosing my patience here."

"You are stronger than that. And she is your cousin. You dont want bad blood between you two."

Aliyah sighed.

Salma was right. She couldn't do anything about it now but she kept hoping for one thing, because only he can solve this.

She hoped that Mansoor will turn her down.


"Marwa, Masha'Allah you look gorgeous!" Umm Marwa gushed at her daughter and hugged her tightly.

"Oh Mama, its nothing really. I don't even look that good." Marwa replied.

Aliyah rolled her eyes on that. One thing about Marwa was that she was over-confident about her looks. She knew she was pretty so what was all this charade for?

"No, you look pretty. She looks good Aliyah right?"

Aunt Salama faced Aliyah. Weakly she nodded, topping it off with a fake smile that didn't even reach her eyes.

"Okay we better get going, we are late already." Mama came in, with gifts ready to go. They all marched towards the car and got in. Aliyah stood at the door, waved at them and got inside the house.

The house was quiet. Aliyah's back was at the door and before she realised, she was slowly sliding down the door as her legs could no longer support her.

And she cried.

She let all her frustration, anger and heartache out.

Her heart was bleeding, it felt like someone had sliced her heart open and left her bleeding to death. She was frustrated, at herself, at Marwa, at her parents and most importantly, she was mad at Mansoor.

Didn't he love her?

Then why didn't he come to take her and make her his.

The only questions roaming around her head was why?

Why didn't Mansoor ask her?

Why did Marwa come back?

Why did his parents think that its a good idea to put the two together?

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