Chapter 7.

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A/N please read;
Assalam alaikum. I apologise for the late chapter. As on saturday 15th I will be travelling insha'Allah and I had only this week to revise well for Madrasa, since where I would be going, I would be staying for 2 weeks Insha'Allah therefore, when i come back, I will only be having one week to catch up with what i had lost in those 2 weeks. Therefor I was reading ahead of the syllabus. And by the way, am in my final year in madrasa, "Thalith Mutawassit" which is I guess is Form Four if considered with school. I would be recieving my certificate and I want it to be ممتاز.
With alot of difficulties, here is the chapter you all have been waiting for.Enjoooooy😍😍.


Everybody was busy in the household of Khalif's. Nobody seemed to notice the dissapearance of two individuals in the house, not even Sumaiya. While the elders were having a discussion on politics, as all parents do, the children were in different rooms. Aliyah and Salma were in their room, Najma and Amal were having their girly talk in the swimming pool area while Abdulrahman and Hudhayfa were in Abdul's room who were doing some revision on Quran with the coming Musabaqah where Hudhayfa will be participating therefore together with Abdul, they were doing revision. While Sumaiya found the solution to her boredom on her phone who was with Najma and Amal in the swimming pool area but kept a distance with the girls.

All were busy, unaware of what was happening  outside of the house. Little did they know, that their separation from each other, unaware of the situation, would bring such a storm, nobody would have imagined.

Malyun, the aunt, stood up to throw a packet of biscuit wrapper in the bin very much aware how her brother disliked dirtiness in his house. While she was throwing the litter, she froze in her tracks.

It can't be.

She blinked again and again, rubbed her eyes to get a clear view on what was happening.
Suddenly her eyes widened, and she screamed,


Her feet found the way outside the house, and separated the two who were hell bent on slitting each other's throat.

"LEAVE MY SON, YOU BASTARD!" She got hold of Mansoor, whose face had reddened due to anger. His grip got stronger on Ahmad's collar, wanting to finish him completely, he had started and he wouldn't finish until he did some pretty damage to the ass**** infront of him.

"I SAID LEAVE MY SON ALONE!" The voice got screechy  and louder. Mansoor loathed noise, he tried to block the voice off his ears, so that he could continue with the plan, which was murder.

"MANSOOR, LEAVE AHMAD ALONE!" The voice which spoke now was more determined and spoke volume in Mansoor's ears, which made him leave the guy.

Mansoor looked around to see that he had brought the whole family outside the house, but he couldn't care less, he just wanted to start all over again, proving that he was strong enough to kill the guy, who was apparently waay too older than him, but did the difference in age bothered him even slightly? No! What bothered him was how the guy, who was covered in a pool of his own blood on the ground dared to open his mouth and speak nonsense about her!

"HOW DARE YOU LAY A FINGER ON MY SON!" The voice screeched even more.

"What kind of a son are you? No no, actually," turning towards Yassir, Mansoor's father, "What kind of a father are you? How dare you not teach your filthy son some manners? Actually you know what, like father like son! Of course the son would follow the steps of his mannerless father!" She spat on my father.

Mansoor's eyes widened at the words. A fresh new type of anger washed over him, and he, eyes reddened, stepped forward and unleashed the cold words to the aunt which resulted into him, being slapped by Khalif.

Of course Khalif would defend his niece, after all, they are the only ones left with him.

Khalif, quietly, without looking at his bestfriend, told him to get off his compoud and to never show his face again!

While all this was happening, somebody in the compound whose lips twitched up in a  devilishly small smile, happy that finally the rift that she wanted to cause between the two friends, was finally happening.

"Khalif..." Yassir tried to speak but was cut off with a glare from his bestfriend, after which uttered the words below,

"Before I do some damage, I said get out of my compound!"

Naifin, the wife to Yassir who was watching all this, held his husband's  hand and tugged him towards the car. Yassir followed her quietly and made his way to his car. But while he was going towards the driver's seat, Naifin stopped him and told him that she would drive since her husband was not in his senses. Quietly, Yassir sat and off, at the words of Khalif, they sped off the compoud.

All this was watched by Aliyah, who couldnt believe what her innocent eyes were seeing. She had never, not even in her dream, seen this hostile side of Mansoor. He always seemed quiet and confined to himself, but at the sight of today, fear got into Aliyah's heart, scared of seeing Mansoor acting this hostile. "Was this really him?" She kept asking herself this question. But, unfortunately, what she saw was half the truth, but would she know the reason behind her hayaty, acting that way? Would she ever know, or would she blindly believe what she saw,  Just like her father??


"Mansoor, let's go. We have had enough!" Sumaiya held her brother's hand which was bleeding on the knuckles due to the punches he gave to Ahmad.

"Yah, go away and never come back. Crazy family!" The aunt shouted back. Najma, who was scared, that it would cause her friendship with Amal, looked with hopeful eyes at Amal, who was shocked, just like everyone but when her eyes landed at Najma, she smiled, half-heartedly, and shook her head, indicating that their friendship was, still and will always be intact.

Najma, scared to even look at the family again, made her way to Amal, to hug her and bid her goodbye when the aunt shouted at her, "Dont even take another step forward. The way outside is this way!" Indicating where their car was.

Quietly, she made her way to the car, where after sitting at the back, Sumaiya brought the engine to life and sped away.

Thinking this fight would last a couple of days, they thought. Little did they know, that this was just the begging of hurricane between the two families.

Friendship was broken,

Hearts were broken,

Relationships were  broken,

What next would be broken?


Assalam Alaikum. I guess this would be the last chapter for this April. I know i promised to be writing new chapters everyday, but what can I do? Am stuck between alot of things.

Well, hope you enjoyed the chapter, because I had fun writing this😁😁.


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