Chapter 17

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Khawla walked in Mansoor's room and threw herself on his bed before sighing,

"I miss Sumaiya."

Mansoor chuckled before saying, "Its just been few days before she got married."

Khawla stood on her legs, with a shocked expression on her face, she looked at her brother,
"Few days! Mansoor, it has been a month! A whole month, and you are saying its just been few days!"

"You've been counting?" Mansoor started to laugh.

"Well yaah! Its my sister we are talking about."

"Wasn't it you who was so happy to finally have the room by herself?" Mansoor asked.

"That was before she left. Arrgh change the topic!" Khawla said.

"Okay, you bring a topic up." Mansoor told Khawla before taking his phone and going through his instagram page.

"When will you man up and tell Mama and Baba about Aliyah?" Khawla asked, she knew very well that this would get her brother's attention, and to be honest, Mansoor was 20 years old now, studying medicine, so Khawla didn't see the point of delaying the matter.

And she got the reaction she needed. Mansoor after hearing Aliyah's name, his phone slipped from his hands and fell to the ground. He looked at Khawla with a shocked expression, trying to think how on earth she managed to know.

"How did you know?" Mansoor asked.

"I've got my skills! Now answer my question."

"You want me to go up to baba and mama, tell them, 'Hey baba mama, Am in love with Aliyah Khalif and I want to marry her, so do you approve?" Mansoor joked,

But Khawla was dead serious,

"Ahaa." She said with a serious expression.

Mansoor just stared at his sister, with a raised eyebrow, clearly  shocked.

"Are you okay? Do you think this is a joke?"

"No, its not a joke. Am dead serious, okay answer these questions for me, for how many years have you loved her?"


"Do you still love her?"

"Hell yah."

"Have you ever pictured her as your wife, the mother to your kids?"

"So much."

"And are you willing to let go of this gem?"

"What? NO!"

"And will you have the courage to actually see her with another man?"

"I will die!"

"So what's stopping you from asking her hand in marriage?"


"There, you've got your answer."

"Okay but you don't get it, I can't marry her right now, I won't be able to financially support her, she is still studying right now, I don't think she will approve!"

"Stupid, she does!"

Something flickered in Mansoor's eyes, Khawla could see it, adoration? Love? She couldn't figure it out but what she could figure out was  that Mansoor was in it, deeply, and Aliyah better be good for him. Khawla could get over-protective over her brothers sometimes and she could do great damage to someone who breaks her brother's heart,  though the damage would not easily be done since her brother Mansoor has been in love with Aliyah for seven years, none knew about the other's feelings which was a good thing while Hudhayfa, Khawla's other brother had no time for love so, good thing Khawla wouldn't be thinking of a good place to bury someone any time soon right?

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