Chapter 15

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The hospital was quite, Aliyah was sleeping. I got bored and you know when nature calls so I woke up from my bed and went to the washroom. After I was done, I didnt wanna go back to bed therefore decided to take a stroll around the hospital. I took my hijab with me and after making sure I was well covered up, I came out of the room.

Walking down the hallway I came to see the same guy who visited me earlier.

Didn't he go home?

I slowly walked upto him to ask him why he was still here when I noticed he was sleeping. I took my time scrunitizing him. He had a messy hair like one which wasn't combed in days. He had worn a black jeans with a blue t-shirt. My eyes swept up to his face when I noticed his eyes moving under his eyelids.

Before he caught me, I thought i better go away from here. But that didnt happen as he called me right then,

"Salma? What are you doing out here. You should be resting?!"

"I could  ask the same thing about you! What are you still doing here?"

He didnt answer my question but instead stood up to leave before saying,

"Take care. We will see each other very soon." He said before walking away.

I didnt stop him but rather watched him walk down the hallway. It was nearly midnight, he won't find a taxi now. I walked near the window and watched him walk near a car and getting in.

Oh! He had his own car. Atleast he will reach home safely.
I frowned at my  sudden care for him. I shaked my head while walking back to my room when I heard a faint cry of a girl. I followed the sound when I saw a girl, probably an 8-year old girl crying. I couldnt just let her be. Therefore I walked up to her and sat next to her.

"Hey sweety." I greeted her.

She stopped crying and looked up at me, whimpered a little bit then went back to crying.

But what broke Salma's heart was when the girl scooted far away from her.

"Go away!" She screamed.

Salma knew better than to cause drama so she silently walked back to her room, thinking on how such a young girl already had misconceptions about muslims. It broke her heart badly but what could she do about it? Nothing.


Back at Yassir's household, Khawla laid in her bed crying. She was critisized again.

By her teachers.

It started when it was evening and Khawla was taking books to the staffroom when she heard her father's name being mentioned.

"The man had a big mouth."

"Big mouth? That man had a very big mouth!"

"Yassir Hassan, the man who brought danger to his own family just because he is into politics."

Khawla stood outside the staffroom, listening all what the teachers were saying about her father. She knew better than to listen all that but she couldn't move her legs to walk out of that place.

They kept on saying stuff which brought tears to Khawla's eyes. Eeryone still remembered what happenend.

She thought people would have forgotten about it but no! They still talked ill of her family.


2013 was the worst year of the Yassir's family, especially Khawla! A 12-year old girl, who went through alot, stuff that a 12-year old shouldn't even worry about.

Her life was in danger!

Her father's life in danger!

Her family's life was in danger!

Lives were threatened.

After the death of a famous sheikh, Aboud Rogo, a man who was associated with the Al-Shabbab, who was said to be bringing young boys into the terrorist group in the name of Jihad, many Sheikhs were interviewed to give an opinion of the death of the man.

Including her father.

Yassir was into politics at that time, so when the reporters came to him to be interviewed, he didnt think twice before saying everything! All the truths which could have big consequences.

Including death!

After the interview of my father, the news hit exclusive. It trended on Youtube, Facebook, Instagram! The supporters of Aboud Rogo became enraged on what my father said!

They wanted him DEAD!

They not only targeted my father but they targeted my whole family. The government provided us with security. It gave my father five officers, who will be walking with him everywhere.

But my father couldn't leave the house because the moment he steps outside, he will be attacked.

He stayed indoors for a whole month.

My  life was no different, In school, people talked and talked ill about my father. I couldn't breathe from all the accusations. Fingers were pointed, accusations all over, I couldn't!

A time I went up to my mom and cried my heart out.

"Hoyo, whats happening with us?" I asked mom.

"Its going to be okay habibty."

"Hoyo, people talk about baba. Teachers are talking, Mama people are pointing fingers at me. Hoyo I can't take it anymore. Please tell Baba to stop!"

I pleaded to Allah to help us! It was too much for us. We were miserable!

It took months for things to settle down. And when they did, the last thing I wanted was people to bring that topic up!

And here I was, 4 years later but people still couldn't stop talking about it.

I entered the staffroom with teary eyes, ignoring the gasps from the teachers, placed the books on the desk and ran out of the staffroom until home.

And here I am, crying my eyes out when Mansoor entered my room.

"Habibty have you seen my..." He stopped midway when he noticed my teary eyes.

"Habibty, whats wrong? Why are you crying?"

Before I could answer, he asked again,

"Is it Code Red? Do you need chocolates?"

I couldnt help but laugh. Code Red? Seriously?

"No Its not Code Red!" I answered before quieting abit,
"Its 2013."

He understood.

I told him everything what happened and to say he was mad angry would be an understatement.

"I will kill those idiots!"

Cooling him down took me an hour before he told me, "Habibty, they will talk but learn to ignore them. Dont let them get to you. "


Assalam Alaikum Lovelies.

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Till then Assalam Alaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh💙💙

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