The First Day (Part 2)

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Yamamoto and I show up to class and the teacher greeted us at the door.

"You must be the new student. I will introduce you to the class and give you your seat but after that, the principal wants to see you" she said. She was really nice. "My name is Suzuka Hikano, by the way" she said going into the class.

"Class this is the new student from America. She speaks English and her Japanese isn't that good so please help her as much as you can" and then she let me speak.

I spoke in English and the simple Japanese I knew. "Konichiwa. My name is Emi Brenckle. First name first. You may call me Emi. I hope to be friends" I said and bowed.

"Thank you. You may put your things in the empty seat in between Yamamoto and Gokudera. Raise your hand Gokudera" she said.

"I already know him. Thanks" I said walking to my desk.

"Oi, new girl. How come your not hurt? Didn't that Tonfa freak 'bite you to death' as he would say?" Gokudera asked.

"No. He just let us go" I said and walked to the door where the teacher had a pass.

"Kyoko-San. Would you like to show her to the office please?" The teacher suggested.

"Okay sensei" she chirped and we left.

I had moved a lot in my life. I knew how it was to be the new kid but I have only ever lived in one state and now I'm in a whole new country.... a whole new universe actually. Of course I'm jumping out of my skin.

On the way, Kyoko talked to me.

"If you need any help at all, you can come to Haru, Chrome, and I and we will be a happy to help you" she happily said.

I felt better. First day jitters are slightly gone.

We made it to the principal's office and we were let in.

"You must be the new student?" He said standing up and coming around the desk. He was speaking English, too.

"Yes I am sir. Emi Brenckle" I introduced.

"I know you aren't that good in Japanese but it is great to have an exchange student here. How do you like your new place? Now I'm sorry your family had to stay back home but I believe someone with your grades and social skills will do fine" he said.

"It's fine. Great. More space than I would've guessed. I could have a study slumber party soon. Haha" I chuckled a little.

He did too. "Yeah. That would be very good for you. Now. Your classes here are the same as back in America except that you have an English class that's not like the one you had back home. Instead, for you, that will be your Japanese class. You will study Japanese in a different class for a bit. You will need to make friends who will help you with your Japanese and make sure to study. Your teacher will know about it so if you have questions, you can ask her. Try to talk in Japanese as much as possible okay. And for gym, you don't have to take it if you don't want to. It says you have straight A's but you probably had accommodations for that" he said but I interjected.

"Actually, I will keep my gym. I have always had regular gym and if I couldn't do something, I told the coach. I did as much as I possibly could. I am a go-getter kind of person" I said happily.

He just smiled. "I can see that. Okay. I think that was everything. If you have any questions, you know where to find me. Oh. And here is a map of the school and a list of the clubs, if you would like to join them" he said handing me two pieces of paper. "Now have a good time here" he said and handed us a new pass.

Love, Truth, Freedom (KHR)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora