New Project

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"Hey. Emi-San. Wanna get a smoothie and work on the project together?" Kei asked me after foreign language, his English, mine Japanese.

I've been doing good in my Japanese class and I don't go to it separately now. Now I just follow along with what they do in class, just backwards.

We were just put into groups for a project. We have to act out a scene. We can do anything we want but it has to be approved by the teacher. It's just a little skit. It's just for our class but the home economy teacher said that she'd give us a grade too. It's a combined project.

It will be in English but with me, I'll be the Japanese learning English. Role reversal. Heheh.

My group was Kei, Yuki, Joi, Hikaru, and Nico. I wanted to be part of Tsuna and their team but the teacher asked me to be in their team to make sure 'those' three do their work.

Tsuna's group is Gokudera, Yamamoto, Shitt-P, and Enma.

Everyone drew from a box. It was the 'luck of the draw', as they'd say. But I didn't pick. I was from America.... everyone else thinks....... so I'm fluent in English. I'm taking a Japanese class. So I was just going to choose my group or work by myself, but the teacher asked me so kindly, I couldn't say no. Plus, I like working together with people and they need their grades to get better. And I like competing with Gokudera-kun.

"Sure. What about you guys?" I asked the rest of the group.

"Yeah" Yuki said nonchalantly.

"I'm in" Hikaru jumped in.

"Nah. I'm exhausted" Joi sigh.

"I guess" Nico shrugged.

We left the school and went to the smoothie shop. We got smoothies and sat at an outside table. The guys drug Joi there. He didn't want to come but they made him and he did NOT seem to be enjoying himself.

I wanted this to be fun...

"So, anyone have an idea?" Kei asked.




"Maybe a love story? Hehehe. Just a joke" Hikaru said.

"That is kind of cliche" Yuki scoffed.

"No. It's a good idea" Kei smirked.

I looked at him because I KNEW what he was getting at.

"But how do you suppose we put her in with Japanese? She's supposed to speak Japanese and we are going to speak English" Nico said.

"Maybe we are new students and she's a student. We don't know Japanese well and she tutors us?" Joi jumped in.

"That's a backwards version of what happened when I got here. I was the new student who knew no Japanese and was tutored by my friends. Too boring. It's for a grade and not professional acting but when I get into something, I want it to be good. If I look back, I don't want to be like, 'What was I thinking?' How about a news broadcast?" I said.

They thought about it.

"Isn't that boring? And how are we supposed to get a news cast out here for a stupid project?" Joi said.

"Not a real news broadcast but tape us acting as the news cast. And I did projects like this at my other school for Spanish. My group had fun and you can MAKE the video funny. It's not so serious" I said.

"So you know Spanish? Your trilingual?" Hikaru jumped.

"Nope. No good. Out the window. For some reason, Japanese was easier than Spanish. Nope. If that grade factored in with my overall grade here, I'd probably be second or third in class" I shook my head.

Love, Truth, Freedom (KHR)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora