A New Story

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"Wha?!?!" I gasped attempting to process what was happening. I glanced at Primo, who was still grinning.

The glowing went away after a minute or two.

"I didn't have to do this before, but that's because these circumstances are different from what has happened so far. You all probably have no clue as to what I'm saying, hmm? Well, I have already accepted my successor, Decimo, and my guardians to his guardians. Well, all except one. Now, she shall be challenged and seen if she should fully be accepted as a guardian. I shall explain." He turned to look at me. "You probably have no clue as to why you are here or what's happening. I probably need to start from the beginning, from your expression here."

I was in thought. I heard what he just said and it sounded familiar. Accepted as a guardian? Oh!! Something clicked in my head. "The anime version. I get it." I whispered when it came to me. I must have confused those that heard.

I looked up to everyone and they all looked confused. I gave a sheepish smile to them. Primo seemed curious.

"You get it?" He questioned.

Then Squalo came up closer, in the front. He eyed me trying to piece things together.

"So you know of the mafia, Cora?" Colonello asked.

"Uhh, yeah. It's a very long story." I said shyly, not knowing what to say. Everyone was staring at me. Most confused by me. Others were confused by what Primo was saying.

"Would you, so kindly, explain everything. From how you got here, how you know, and what you know? I'm curious of what you know, to be honest. But others here, have no clue about anything." Checker Face smiled.

I nodded. "Well, like I said. It's a pretty long story. I suggest you take a seat." I did so myself as did the others. "Well, I'll start with.... how I got here. I came from America. I previously lived in Louisiana with my younger sister and my dad. And I came here one day for a scholarship. At least that's what I said when I went to school here. But in actuality, I never signed up for a scholarship. I was, one day, with my sister and dad going to the store. I decided to go to the bookstore next door to it with the money my mom gave me when she visited. I went in and saw in the manga section, one of my favorite manga, Katekyo Hitman Reborn. I looked into it and then was in it. That was when Takeshi-San saw me. From there, this place is a fictional manga I was sucked into. But that all proved false when I met Byakuran once, who explained that the previous place I was in was a fake dimension he temporarily created. I am actually FROM here. It's all crazy, I know. But myself from here was 6 years old when I was suppose to have died from a robbery and many injuries. Byakuran explained that he put me in that dimension on the third night of me being emitted to the hospital. I was brought back a few months ago. Apparently, I had this ring since before the robbery. I had it for a long time and was bullied because of it. They said it was hideous and I should get rid of it, but I didn't see it that way. I liked it then and now. Byakuran said that Checker Face had him send me to that other dimension because he felt I needed to be protected. I never understood why because no one explained more on it. The other day, Hibari-San gave me this necklace. He got it when we were really young and I said I liked it. He got it after the incident as a reminder. He got it for me overall. I've worn both ring and necklace since I got them." I explained what has happened so far and everyone who didn't know the story where extremely surprised. Tsuna and everyone else knew, but the Varia, Arcobaleno, and Primo had no clue. But the one who seemed the most shocked by it was Squalo. He seemed to be affected the most.

"R-Really?! Cora!?" Colonello was the first to break the ice.

"Yes. It is. It's all true. And as proof, I kind of understand what Primo was saying." I started.

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